60k Celebration chapter!!

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I've actually already written this chapter, and it was originally supposed to be my celebration chapter for hitting 50k reads on this book, but just after I got 50k reads I went back and did some SERIOUS re-working of TBWATOC, so I decided to take this chapter down. I also originally spoke about the sequel I was planning on writing in this chapter, called The Boy Who Had A Touch Of Cancer, but I never went through with that idea so I don't want to mention it in this chapter. But I still love this chapter, and I want you guys to hear all of the juicy secrets of TBWATOC so I'm going to repost this, just as a celebration of hitting 60k reads! So thank you guys for reading my book, and commenting on it (as you know I love talking to you!), and I genuinely wouldn't be here without you guys, so thank you!

I'm going to put these secrets in order of least shocking, to most shocking (in my opinion) for no particular reason other than I think it'll be more organized that way. So the list will go from "hm, okay" to "WHAT?!" from the top to the bottom. 😅

And I'll give you my reasoning for using, or not using some of these things, and also, there are some things I put in the book that I regret doing (and I'll give you my reasoning on why I regret the thing as well).

Anyway, enjoy the tea spillage! 😂🍵

1. Rosy's heritage:

I don't know if any of guys are wondering about Rosy's heritage, but I imagined her and her family moving from Puerto Rico when she was about 10 because her father always wanted to move to America--Florida specifically--and he finally achieved his dream after Rosy was born... I know it sounds sappy, but I'm all for sappy shit, so...here's Rosy's backstory/heritage. 😅

2. Sexualities:

This isn't really a secret, but I thought I would put it in here anyway just in case you guys were interested in what everybody's sexualities are. 😆

•Ethan: You guys probably already know, but if you don't; what the hell are you doing? Where have you been for half the book? 😅 He's bisexual, just in case you don't know.

•Leo: Plain and simple: he's gay. And proud of it. 🌈

•Drew: Another plain and simple one: he's straight.

•Will: Now this is one that'll probably shock you, mostly because I never really indicated what gender, or lack thereof, that Will was into, and that's because Will wasn't ever into any specific gender. So, to sum it up, he was pansexual, though he never claimed he was pansexual, he just dated who he wanted, and that was that. I think his sexuality really reflects his laid-back personality very well, in that he didn't really see gender or anything like that. He just dated someone if he thought they were attractive--and a good person--and that was that.

•Abby: She's also as straight as a board. 😅

3. Ethan's cancer:

I originally planned for Ethan to get cancer in this book, and be treated of it; I didn't really plan for him to be dying of it until I wrote the third or fourth chapter, then I got the idea to have him already be sick. Also, the idea for him to be dying of it came from my favorite book of all time The Fault in Our Stars, and I suppose it's pretty obvious where I got the inspiration for parts of this book as there are many TFIOS references in here. 😆

4. Twinkie's inspiration:

I honestly can't remember if I've touched on this before, but the inspiration behind Twinkie was a dog I had when I was really little that was also a brindle colored Greyhound named--you guessed it!--Twinkie. My Twinkie was a mean old bitch that didn't like anyone in my family other than my mother, but as you guys tell, I made the Twinkie in this book a big ole sweetie-pie instead of a grouchy brat that bit everyone just because she didn't like them. 😂😨

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