Chapter 2

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Hours had gone by and the sun was starting to set .


"Oh no I am going to be late !" I Said to myself as I looked at the sun startung to set .

I quickley unfroze the lake and made the snow stop falling . I grabbed up my things and ran back to the castle as fast as I could . trying not to run into anyone .

I finaly made it to the gates of the court yard . I bolted through them then i Went up the stairs and into the castle.

I snuck in with out anyone hear me or see me . I ran up the stars that led to my bedroom . I quietly opened the door and slipped through shutting the door behind me .

I sped to the mirror . I let my hair down and put it into a braid And added a few in snowflakes here and there Then I quickley turned my dress that u was currently wearing into a ice gown that was a very similar to the that I made when I had ran away from Arendelle on my corination day . But this one ways a little different . It had a shorter cape and a darker blue than the one before .

I looked at the clock and I was only five minutes late ! I thought that i was later than that . Anyway I took one last look at myself and then walked down to the dinning hall . I quietly walked in hoping that they didnt see me until i got closer to the table .

But as soon as I walked through the door Anna jumped out of her seat and and yell at me to come take a seat next to her . I did as she comanded and took a seat next to her .

"So are you two excited for the wedding ?" I asked them "

"I am excited but i am pretty nervous." she told me .

"Same here ." kristoffe said

" Oh you two are going to be fine ." I reasurred them

" Thanks for the engourengment sis' " Anna thanked me .

"oh it was nothing ," I told her

We finished dinner and I told them good night

"Do you have to go to bed so soon Elsa ?" she asked

"Yes Anna I do we have a wedding to put together tomarrow so I am going to get some rest ." I protested .

"I guess your right ." she said with disapointment written all over her face .

"Good night I will see you two in the morning ." I told them

"Good night Elsa ," Anna said as she lifted into a bear hug .

I turned and walked out of the dinning hall , up the stairs and into my bedroom .

When I walked into my room I saw that there was a pile of books on my bed .

I picked up all the books on my bed and stacked them on my nightstand next to my bed . I put on my night gown and slipped into bed .

I grabbed the book that was on the top of the stack and started reading .

Jack frost was the title of this book . I've read it many times before . I've always dreamed of of meeting this fictional character . He would understand what it would be like to have ice powers . I sighed . Then read for a few more minutes . I put down the book on my night stand ,turned off my light and slowly drifted of to sleep .

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