Chapter 4

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Jacks POV.

I started to fly towards Norths workshop, when I came across what was apparently a small kingdom. There was a beautiful castle and a market and a village and a hole lot more .

While I was flying over the kingdom Something caught my eye.

I stared to look closer at the castle court yard . Then I noticed that it was covered in ice and there was snow everywhere .

How can this be ? I didn't freeze that court yard ! So who could have ?

All of these questions ran through my head as I flew down toward court yard .

Then I stared seeing snowballs being thrown all over the the place. then a heard a young woman's voice yell "I'm gonna get you Elsa ! " " Not if I get you first!" I heard another young woman's voice yell .

I flew down into the court yard to see two young lady's perpeling snow balls at each other.

The first one I saw was a tall skinny red head she had on a light green gown and had bright blue eyes .

Then I saw a tall, slider blonde. She had on a gorgeous blue and purple gown. She had beautiful blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight.

A snowball fight I've got to get in on this!

Elsa's POV.

Me and Anna were finishing up the center pieces when I felt someone lightly kick my foot . I looked up at Anna who had a childish look on her face.

"What?" I asked

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" she sang.

I didn't even answer . I grabbed her arm and ran for the court yard . we were laughing the hole way.

When we got to the court yard I quickly made it snow and froze the ground so it was like a skating rink .

Anna had already started the base if our snowman. Since she wasn't paying attention to me I formed a rather large snow in my hand . Then I threw it at her .

It hit her in the back of her head. She jerked . Then she spun around and I was standing there tossing another snowball in my hand .

"Oh it is on !" she yelled as she started making snowballs

I formed snowball after snowball in my the palm of my hand and threw them at Anna .

"I'M gonna get you Elsa !" She said

"Not if I get you first !" I defended

I threw a gigantic snowball at Anna . It was so big it knocked her over .

While she was trying to get back up I felt something cold and wet hit me .

"Anna did you throw that ?" I asked her .

"Throw what?" she said with really confused look on her face .

If it wasn't her then who was it ? I looked around the court yard and there was what looked like a young man standing there.

He had on a blue hoddie and brown distressed pants . He had white silky hair that shined in the sun , and icy blue eyes that were the same shade as mine . To his side he held a tall shepherd like staff with frost spreading out from where he touched it .

I turned back to Anna who was fixing herself after I threw that snowball at her.

"Who is that ?" I asked her

"What do you mean there's no one here.

"Don't you see that man over there. "

"Elsa I think your starting to lose it."

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