Chapter 5

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Jack's POV:

I quickly formed a ball of snow in the palm of my hand and threw it at the tall blonde girl .

She stopped dead in her tracts. she tuned back to the redhead "Anna did you throw that?" she asked "throw what." "oh Nevermind ."she said

She started looking around the court yard trying to figure out who just threw that snowball.

"Ha she's never gonna find out who threw that snowball." I chuckled

"Unless she believes , but that would never happen she's a grown woman . most grown up don't believe in us guardians."

She tuned back to the redhead and whispered something to her . Then she started pointing in my direction and giving me looks .

"Can she see me?" I asked myself.

"Stop it jack , she can't see you." I screamed in my thoughts.

Then I saw the redhead make her way to the castle doors . I waited for the blonde to follow but she never did.

I turned around and looked to the sky the northern lights were still shining brightly. I should probably get going.North is gonna kill me.

I was about to take off flying when I felt someone tap my back.

I whirled around to face the blonde girl right in the eye.

"Who are you sir?" she asked .

I couldn't even reply . I was in so much shock that s grown woman was talking to me , let alone seeing me .

"You,you can see me ." I blurted out without thinking about what I was saying.

"Yes , am I not supposed too." she asked with a confused look on her face.

"Oh a Nevermind my question ."

"Ok well I am going to ask you this one last time . who are you ? "

"Oh sorry , I'm jack , Jack Frost ."

She gasped then asked "Like the Jack Frost , like the spirit of winter?"

"The one and only." I said with pride.

"May I ask who you are?"

"Yes, I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle ."

"Oh so your the queen ?" I asked .

"Yes sir ." She replied

"It's my pleasure to meet you your majesty." then I bowed .

"Oh there's no need for that and please call me Elsa."

"Ok your majesty , I mean Elsa. I have a question for you Elsa ."

"I am sure I will have a answer."

"How in the world is it snowing in your court yard ?"

"I have the power to control ice and snow . Me and my sister wanted to have a snowball fight , well actually we started out building a snowman , but when my sister Anna wasn't paying attention I thew a snowball at her and It kinda went off from there."

"So your like me ?" I asked

"Yes , would you like to see my powers?"

"Of course !"

There in front of us she formed a perfect snowman.

"Wow!" I said.

"Oh that's nothing compered to Olaf "

"Who is Olaf ." I ask her

"He's my snowman."

"Ok let me get this straight you built a snowman and named it Olaf."

"Yes I did !"

"Ok so where is this so called Olaf."

"Oh he's probably playing with Sven somewhere."

"Wait a second , who's Sven ,and how can Olaf be playing he's just a snowman ."

"Well , Sven is my sisters fiancé's reindeer and Olaf is alive."

"Olaf is alive ? I don't think so."

"Oh so you don't believe me do you."

"No , no I don't ."

"Oh look here he comes now ." She pointed at the castle gates .

I looked at the castle gate and a little snowman wobbled throw them with a goofy looking reindeer flowing him.

"Olaf come here and meet my friend."she called to the little snowman .

"Ok coming Elsa." Olaf replied .

The little snowman walked right up to me.I was totally speechless, seriously I had no words. A talking snowman! I couldn't believe my eyes. This Elsa girl is special I can just feel it.

"Ok Olaf you may go play with Sven now." she told Olaf.

"Ok bye Elsa."

"Bye Olaf."

Olaf wadded back to his reindeer friend and they disappeared out the castle gates .

I looked back at Elsa and all I could do was smile.

"What?" she asked me

"Your pretty amazing." I told her

She chuckled and blushed a little.

There was silence for a moment. I didn't like it . I liked the sound of Elsa's voice conversating with mine.

"Uhh my sisters wedding is in two days . We would be delighted to have you." she said in a shy manner.

"I would love to come." I replied

"That sounds great."

Then we heard Anna's voice calling for Elsa to come inside.

"Well... I'm gonna have to go but I will see you at the wedding right? "

"Wouldn't miss it." I replied

"Good see you then."

"Farewell your majesty , I mean Elsa."

"Haha good bye Jack."

She turned and started for the castle doors. I waited till she was inside to take off to Norths workshop.






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