Chapter 9

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Elsa's POV:

I walked toward where I had heard the loud groan. I walk around the corner of the castle and see a body lying on the ground about ten feet away but I couldn't tell who it was so I walked and closer and see the persons clothing and know who it is immediately .....jack .

I ran to him and sat at his side and he turned over and looked at me. O those icy blue eyes of his just make me wanna-, wait what are doing Elsa get ahold of yourself .

"Are you ok?" I ask , I can just feel how red my face is. "Ya I'm fine ." he says as he attempts to sit up but falls back in the process. "I don't think your fine , let me help you." I say as i grab him in the shoulder and arm and carefully pull him up. "thanks ." he says so faintly you can barely hear. He can barely walk so I hold him up on my shoulder. we walk carefully up the steps and into the castle doors and I take him to the guest bedroom across from mine . I lay him down on the bed and say " stay here I will be right back." I say opening the door "uhh I don't think I can go anywhere at the moment." he says . I chuckle and say "Oh uh right." then walk out the door. I walk arias the hall way and into my room and go to my bathroom and get a wash clothe and soak it in warm water and ring it out then go to one of my maids and ask her to bring me some aspirin. she does as u said and I walk back to the room where jack is.

"What took so long ?" He whines as u walk in. "Hey don't whine , I could have left you outside." I say . "but you didn't ." "Ya ya." I say as u hand him the aspirin and but the rag in his wounds on his neck and leg. "So what happened to you?" I ask him

Jacks pov:

"So what happened to you?" She asks me . should tell her know or later about the whole pitch thing. I think I will tell her later so she doesn't freak out or anything so I answer with "I fell down a rocky cliff and got cuts on the sharp rocks" that sounds believable right?
"Oh okay, you can stay here for the night if you like " she tells me. "Ok thank you , and I need to speak with you in private in the morning . " I will tell her then . "okay , what about?" She asks "you will find out in the morning." I say "okaaaayyy fine , good night jack" she says as she opens the door to exit the room. "good night Elsa ." she smiles and lightly blushes then quietly closes the door .

Oh I hope she doesn't freak out when I tell her a insane maniac is after her amazing gift .




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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