Chapter 6

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Jacks POV :

I flew out of Arendelle and started for Norths workshop . I flew for miles and miles until I finally saw the welcoming atmosphere of Norths workshop .

Since I became a guardian north made me my own entrance into his workshop. I have to go to the side of the mountain were his workshop is positioned and go in this cave like entrance . Then I walk about one hundred feet then go down this slide because well I am the guardian fun after All and The slide ends in the the globe room.

I entered the workshop when I came in the globe room everyone was there.

Tooth, bunny,sandy,and off course North.

Bunny and North were arguing as they usually do . Bunny paused and looked at me and said annoyed "look who finally joined the party."

"Oh come on bunny I'm a guardian too now ya know I was working." I defended.

"Yeah right!"

"Gentle men gentle men , we have a bigger problem to discuss!" North interrupted.

"Yeah Mate my why are we all here?" Bunny asked.

"Yeah I wanna know the same thing as the kangaroo." I said.

"Watch it frost!" bunny said with a angry snarl .


"So North my are we all here?" tooth asked.

"Well as I said before we have a rather important matter to discus."

"And what might that matter be?" I asked.

"Well it's pitch." he replied .

"What about pitch?"

"He has returned."

"RETUNED!!!" Everyone shouted at once.


"How do you know for sure mate ?" bunny asked.

"He was here at the pole."

"Oh really are sure it wasn't a shadow ?"

"Ok maybe it was a shadow but it was pitch I swear ! there was black sand everywhere! And I felt it in my belly so it has to be true!"

"So you called us all away from our guardian work because of your belly!"

Bunny said angrily.

"Of course I did! I was right last time wasn't I ." north defended.

Then I felt something tug at my hoodie .i look down and see sandy trying to get me attention. "what sandy."

He pointed at the hole ceiling.

"Manny!" I said faintly

"What was that jack?" both asked

'It's Manny !" I pointed up toward the sky .

"Ahh man in moon what are we to do?" north asked as he looked toward the sky.

The moons light shone down into the globe room like a spotlight . it shown down onto the oval pattern on the floor . Then a shadow started to appear . It was a tall lincky man.

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