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As Jerome closes the door and begins to lock it back again, a voice behind him makes him jump.

"Whatcha got in there?" Barbara Kean ponders, smirking when Jerome spins around and reveals a sizable tent in his robe. "Something exciting, I take it."

"None of your business, Babs," he rasps in reply, pocketing the key. "And besides, I thought you'd be canoodling with Tabitha before she has to accompany us to the Gotham Gazette. Trouble in paradise?"

Barbara's smile drops and is replaced by a frown and a glare. "Point taken, ginger. I'll drop it, for now. But you can't keep whatever it is locked up in there forever."

Her returning grin tells Jerome that she is perfectly aware that she isn't going on the first mission with everyone else, leaving her alone at the penthouse with Theo to do as she pleases. She could very well take advantage of his absence to break into his room and discover Daisy. He narrows his eyes at the woman in warning, taking a step towards her.

"Be careful what you get up to all on your lonesome, Barbie. Curiosity killed the cat and all that. But you'll have far more to worry about than curiosity if you stick your big nose in places it doesn't belong," Jerome warns, tone dark and threatening.

"You talk big for a kid, but you forget that I've got just as many kills as you do, ginger," she replies, firm even as her smile vanishes again.

"That can easily be changed," Jerome growls.

"Come now, Jerome, Barbara, we're all on the same team here," a third, smooth voice intervenes. Galavan. "Let's not get in a tiff before we properly introduce ourselves."

Theo places a calming hand on both of their shoulders, gently separating the two before they have the chance to get violent. "Now, what seems to be the issue here?"

"Barbara just doesn't seem to know how to mind her own business. I don't ask she and Tabby about all the things they're hiding. It's just rude," Jerome spills, acting childlike since Babs had called him a kid. He's deciding to be spiteful and tattle on her just like a kid would.

"Barbara, Jerome is right that it's rude to pry into his business. But Jerome, it's also not nice to threaten your teammates. Now, Barbara, why don't you join Tabby in the office. She has a surprise I think you'll like. Jerome, stay here a moment," Theo instructs.

Barbara struts away with a smirk in Jerome's direction. He follows her movement with an angry glare and grumbles underneath his breath. Theo, the unlikely mediator, turns a displeased look upon Jerome.

"Jerome, you remember I told you just last night that if this girl proved to be a problem, you would have to get rid of her," Theo reminds him. "It hasn't even been a full day yet and she's already causing issues. If that is indicative of how her stay here is going to be, I'll see her out now myself."

"While I understand your concern, the reality is that she had no part in this drama. It was purely the faults of myself and Barbara," Jerome protests calmly, mimicking Theo. "In the future, I'll try to control my emotions."

"See that you do," Theo warns before he, too, strolls away, probably off to check on the other psychopaths he's housing.

After the billionaire has left, Jerome scoffs mockingly at his expense. "God, that guy is such a stiff!" He mutters. "Though he is right, partially. I can't keep Daisy here with these bozos. If Babs is already a problem, and she's one of the saner ones, then my little toy isn't safe here. I need to find her a doll house."

The words are mumbled lowly to himself, contemplative. He's trying to puzzle out where in Gotham he could find such a secluded place suitable to house his newest obsession.

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