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After using the bathroom and splashing her face with water from the sink to cool down, Daisy feels more centered. Shaking her head at her earlier lascivious behavior, she opens the door to the bedroom, only to find her daddy pulling a pair of jeans over his hips. He turns to look at her, pants still open.

"Feeling any better, princess?" Jerome asks as he zips and buttons his jeans, still shirtless.

Daisy freezes, mouth dry at the sight. She's fully aware that she was just sleeping beside him—well, more than sleeping—while he was wearing just his boxers, but she hadn't been admiring his body then. Now, well, she can't stop herself from doing it.

His low chuckle startles her back to reality, jumping as she struggles to remember his question. When she recalls what he asked, Daisy nods her head shyly.

"I'm glad to hear it, Rapunzel. You know Daddy wants you to be happy, right? And I'll do just about anything to make you happy, babygirl," Jerome smiles down at her kindly.

Daisy is shocked to find herself crying again, tears streaming silently down her face. It's not necessarily grief that's causing her tears, though. She's relatively sure that the wetness on her cheeks has more to do with the man before her and how overwhelmed his care makes her feel.

"Aw, baby, come on don't cry. Daddy's here, princess," Jerome tuts, tugging her gently into his arms for a comforting hug.

He's more than a little shocked that, after her sudden tears, she pulls away from his bare chest to look up at his face. The look in her eyes explains the strange behavior, as they glisten with untold emotion, but no sadness is present—just reverence and affection. So much gratitude is there, too.

Hypnotized by each other, Daisy and Jerome tilt their heads and lean in, eyes locked on the other's lips.

Jerome's grip on her hips tightens gently, pulling her just that little bit closer to him.

Daisy's arms drift up from his abdomen to link around the back of his neck, guiding him down to her.

There's a kind of magnetism drawing the two together that neither can really explain. All they know is that finally, after what feels like ages, it's their time.

When their lips meet, it's like nothing Daisy has ever felt, and she freezes up, lost in the sensation. The warmth of his body against hers, his hands holding her steady, his soft lips pressed against hers. And before Jerome can pull back and rethink things, she's moving her lips and then they're kissing, really kissing and it's as perfect as she imagined it—better even.

All coherent thought leaves her head as the two press impossibly closer, Jerome moving one hand up to her hair to guide her through the kiss. His head is buzzing with arousal, wanting so badly to take things further, but knowing he should slow down so he doesn't take advantage or scare her away.

He's about to stop, too, until he feels her tongue tentatively gliding across the surface of his lower lip. A feral growl escapes his throat, then, as he accepts the girl's invitation and plunges his tongue between her soft, pink lips. Jerome groans as the two explore each other, his own tongue mapping the expanse of her mouth as he finally takes what's his.

Unable to restrain himself any longer, Jerome drops his hands to Daisy's upper thighs and lifts, mumbling against her lips. "Jump."

Daisy breathlessly obeys his soft command, allowing him to hold her up against him, his muscles flexing from the exertion. She gasps at the feel of his hard length between her thighs, gyrating against it wantonly as she struggles to keep up with the kiss.

Jerome's the one that finally breaks it, caught up in the sensual intimacy. He leans his head down and breathes heavily into the side of her neck, moaning at the contact she's providing. It's as he's sweeping his tongue across her throat, nipping and sucking the sensitive flesh into little love bites that he achieves a sense of clarity. Daisy is grieving. A kiss and some shared touches is one thing, but I know she's not ready for sex yet, even if her body is.

"Babygirl," he pants against her throat. "If we keep going, I don't know if I'll be able to stop. And as much as I would love to fuck you senseless, I know you're not quite ready for that yet. We gotta stop, sweetheart, or I may not be able to control myself, and I don't want to hurt you."

The murmured words sound pained coming from his mouth, as if he's physically wounded by being unable to continue with her. Daisy expected to feel ashamed and rejected, like before, but now she knows that he wants her, badly. The fact that he wants to stop this before they're in too deep doesn't show a lack of desire for her, but rather a larger respect for her and her boundaries. She knows that she's not in an entirely right mindset due to the circumstances, and that her daddy is only trying to protect her from doing something she may regret later.

And besides, she can hardly doubt his desire when it's still prodding against her thighs, practically begging to be let inside her.

So she nods in agreement, sighing as he allows her to slowly slide down his naked front until her feet are back on the floor. Daisy's hands press against his taut stomach, the skin hot beneath herself. She looks up at her daddy with a kind of longing that runs deep, ingrained in her very bones.

"I know, princess. Daddy knows," Jerome sighs fondly, brushing a hand against one of her blushing cheeks. He gives one last peck to her adorably swollen lips before stepping back.

"Alright, Rapunzel. How about you go into the living room and color for a minute while I go take a shower? I need to, uh, take care of something before I make us some breakfast," Jerome smirks.

If it's possible, Daisy blushes even more furiously at the prospect, unintentionally envisioning Jerome's insinuation. The thought of him doing something like that because of her, thinking of her, and maybe even calling her name in the throes of passion... it's an overwhelming and intoxicating idea. She shakes her head furiously to dispel it as Jerome turns away to head to the bathroom, winking salaciously at her before closing the door.

The blonde has to force herself to scurry out of the room before she can be tempted to stay and potentially listen in on her daddy masturbating. For the first time this morning, what's on her shoulders guides her actions instead of what's between her legs. I had no idea it took this much restraint to not have sex with someone you barely know.

Although, is he really a stranger if you think of him as Daddy?

Shaking her head at herself, Daisy ignores the lingering wetness between her legs to do as her daddy said.
Hello again! Surprising consistency, I know. Don't get too used to it—I have no faith in myself. Out of curiosity, how many of you would like to see Jerome's er... solo mission? Just looking to make more original content ;)
Hope you guys enjoyed this latest installment and you're looking forward to the rest of their story! I have things planned out through Season 3 of Gotham, but 4 threw me for a loop and I still haven't seen 5. The distant future lurks uncertain for them, but doesn't it for all of us? I hope you'll stick around to see everything in store for our little couple. I love you guys!

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