Candy Scent (Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader)

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Murasakibara x Reader

After a long day of basketball practice, you went home with your boyfriend, Murasakibara Atsushi, who was as usual, eating a bag chips.

"Atsushi-kun, are you not tired?" you asked while walking to the route to your home.

"Hm? Not really. But (Name)-chin seems to. So we have to get home faster." he said in his usual bored, monotone voice.

You went to Murasakibara's home since it was nearer than yours and stayed there for the night.

"Ah. Atsushi-kun, could I borrow your shower?" You asked.

"Mhm~" he said, now eating a box of pocky.

He lent you a towel and a change of clothes since you didn't brought one and went inside.

You were embarassed by the thought of using his bathroom since this was the first time. And you didn't even bother bringing clothes. Only a towel, a comb and a bottle of cologne.

You twisted the shower knobs and yelped as the cold water gush out and flow to your body.

A few minutes later, you finished taking a bath and went out the shower. You looked at the t shirt he gave you as a Change of clothes.

"Wow. This are huge. This must be his old shirt cause its smaller than usual. But its almost a dress to me." You said twirling around in his shirt. You used your sweet scented cologne and went out.

While you were drying your hair, Atsushi wasn't at the living room.-

"Hm... Maybe he's in the kitchen." You said and went there.

It was silent. And it was creeping you out.

"Atsushi-kun?" You called.

No one answered but you felt someone from your behind and lifted you up.

"(Name)-chin? What are you doing in my kitchen?" He asked in his usual bored tone.

"ATSUSHI?! I-I..."

"You weren't gonna steal some snacks right?" He asked and pouted.

You chuckled at your cute boyfriend and hugged him.

"Of course not. I was worried because I couldn't find you anywhere." You said in the hug.

"Well, I was searching for that sweet candy scent and I couldn't remember buying food with that scent. So I searched around the house." He said and hugged you tighter.

"Seems like I found it~" he said and sniffed you.

"Haha Atsushi-haha what are you-hahaha -doing hahaha" you said with tears started forming in your eyes.

"But you smell sweet. I wanna know what you taste." he said and let you go.

There was a faint blush on your cheeks realizing what your boyfriend just said.

"I-I... It was just the c-cologne. S-see." You said and handed him your candy scented cologne.

He stared at it blankly. But placed it down and carried you to the couch instead.

"A-ATSUSHI?! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" you said as your face flushed red.

"I like you better than that cologne." He said and cuddled with you while he was eating pocky.

"-Sushi-kun you're gonna squeeze the light out of me." You said.

"Oh. Sorry. You're just irresistible (Name)-chin." He said and planted a kiss on your cheeks.

You blushed and chuckled.

"Atsushi, you're such a dork." You said and planted a kiss on his lips as the both of you ate pockys together.


I'm sorry if this was a little short :<

I loovee Sushi baby because of his love for sweets~

And I had this candy scented cologne and thought 'what if Sushi smells this?'

So, hope u liek it :3

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