Simple Rich Kid (Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader)

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"(Name)-sama. Its time to wake up. You have to do your daily routine on a weekend." You heard your maid from the outside.

You groaned because it was still early. "Uugh. Cancel it." You said and returned to sleeping.

"But (Name)-sama , it says here never to cancel under any circumstance." She said.

You sighed and sat up. "Okay fine. I'm awake. You can leave." You said with your eyes half open.

The consequences of being rich... Bossy maids and butlers, You thought in your head as you stood up.

-A few minutes later-

You went downstairs after finishing your morning routine. "Maids, I'll be going out for a moment to grab some sweets. Guard the house when I'm gone." You said as you grabbed your backpack and went out.

"Hai, (Name)-sama. Have a safe trip." They all said in unison. You raised your right hand up and waved them off.

"What does it feel to be normal?" You asked as you walk down the street.

You were wearing simple jeans and a shirt, which made you uncomfortable thinking it was too simple.

As you were walking down, you spotted a familiar red head.

"Hm? Oh. Seijuro!" You shouted and waved at him. He looked at you and smiled.

You rushed up to him. "Fancy meeting you here (Name)." He said with a teasing smile.

"Likewise, Seijuro. What brings you here?" You said to him. The two of you were childhood friends since both his and your family has connections regarding business.

"Waiting for a purple-haired titan to arrive. 'Bout you?" He asked.

"Hm. Out to buy sweets." You grinned.

"If you pass by him, tell him I was waiting for him here." He said.

"M'kay. Later then~" you said and waved goodbye.

Moments later, you arrived at the sweets shop you always visit. There was a long line, as always, so you waited patiently.

It was your turn and you bought your usual favorites and thanked the cashier.

You were about to go out until you heard the cashier complaining.

"Uhh, sir. If you don't pay for that you have to bring them back." The cashier said.

"Eeh. I forgot my wallet..." He said. You looked at him and he had purple hair and was rather tall.

Huh? Is he the one Seijuro's waiting?, you thought. You composed yourself and returned to the cashier.

"Cough cough. I'm sorry, he's with me. Here's the payment." You said as you smiled at the register.

The two of you went out the shop. "Ano... Stranger-chin... Thanks for buying me the sweets but why did you do it?" He suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh. My name's (Name). Your a friend of Akashi, right? I was told to fetch you if I ever passed by you." You said with a grin.

"Ah. Are you the girl that Aka-chin kept telling me? I never knew you were this cute." He said straightforwardly.

You blushed at how blunt he is as he ate his sweets. "I-is that so? I never knew you were blunt..."

"My name's Murasakibara... But call me Atsushi instead." He said with a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you. Hope we'll be able to get along." You smiled.

"Hmm... Do you like sweets?" He asked.

"Not like. Love them."

"Are you lazy?"

"75% yes, 25 % no." You smiled sheepishly.

"Well, we'll get along very well then." He smiled.

You went back to Seijuro's place and found him still waiting.

"Where the hell have you been Atsushi? I've been waiting for hours." He said as he looked up to Atsushi.

"Ah. Gomen Aka-chin. I got distracted and met (Name)-chin instead. You never told me she was this cute." He said with a pint of red in his cheeks.

"Well, thanks for bringing him back to me (Name). But we have to leave. The team's waiting for us." Seijuro said.

"Sure thing Seijuro. It was fun being with you Atsushi-kun~" You waved at them.

Seijuro went on first. Atsushi looked back at you and went closer again.

"Eh? Atsushi-kun? Did you forget something?" You asked.

"Yup~" he said.

He lowered his level and kissed your cheeks.

"Thanks for the sweets. Hope we could see each other again." He smiled and left.

You held the cheek he kissed and blushed.

"Ugh. If only I wasnt homeschooled." You said trying not to jump in joy and lose your cool.

Eventually, Seijuro gave Atsushi your number and the two of you became textmates. Then ended up dating.

"(Name)-chin, daisuki." He said as he kissed your lips.

You chuckled at how childish he acts.

"I love you too Sushi ❤" you replied to your now boyfriend.

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