Grey And Gold

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"Good morning." You chanted with your sweetest voice. Genji slowly opened his eyes to find you sitting on top of him. His body stiffened and he didn't dare to move. You smiled knowing that his body filtered out all the alcohol and that his confidence would be long gone. Returning to his shy manner he tried to hide his face in his hands probably remembering what happened the evening before. "I'm sorry for my behaviour yesterday." His voice sounded as if he would cry any minute. You chuckled and brought your face closer to his. "Don't be sorry it was great, besides I was the one engaging." You nuzzled your nose against his hands which were still covering his red face. "I- I." He stammered. You took Genji's hands and parted them to get a look at him. He frowned and for the first time you looked him directly into his eyes without him avoiding your gaze.
His eyes were a soft grey with a hint of gold. Mesmerized by his iris you instinctively placed your hands on his cheeks. Your touch brought even more blood into his cheeks and you could feel the heat. You closed the gap and kissed him gently. He didn't move one inch. He just looked at you with wide eyes. "You are too easy." You mocked, got up and went into the bathroom.
Genji still lied on the bed, not able to comprehend what just happened.
He also got up and took his shirt to put it on again.

But what now?

Genji didn't know if he should stay and wait for you or if he should just go to his own room.
After some hair ruffling he decided on waiting for you.
You turned his head upside down in just one evening and he couldn't stop thinking about you.

When you got out of the bathroom you didn't expect to see Genji still being in the room. He was leaning against a wall, lost in his thoughts until he saw you from the corner of his eye. You were in an actual bathrobe this time. "Where is my suitcase?" Since you came from the airport the bodyguards carried everything for you but you didn't know where they put it. "Uhm-" Genji was evaluating where it should or could be. "Maybe it's in the dressing room." He got away from the wall he was leaning against and opened a door hidden inside the wall. "Okay I totally didn't see that door." You said baffled. "It's here." He took a step to the side to let you pass. "Thank you master Genji." You said teasingly and succeeded in making him blush again.
In the dressing room you searched for something nice to wear today.
Genji waited with his back to the door. "I will go do some exercise, do you want to accompany me?" It was more a plea than a question and it amused you how easily you wrapped him around your finger. "Yeah why not, I will put on sport clothes then?"
"Uh if you want to also train then that would be more suitable." It seemed like he didn't expect you to train with him but only give him company.
"You don't have to speak so weird with me."
"What do you mean with weird?"
"Well you can talk casually to me."
"You mean slang?" He sounded confused.
"No just like normal people. Where did you learn english?!" You hopped out of the dressing room trying to put on your sport shoes while walking.
He laughed and offered his hand for you to balance yourself on. He didn't budge when you stumbled and catched yourself by holding onto his arm. "Wow strong arms."
"Uh thank you?" He shrugged.
"Okay my shoes are on and now let's move!" Ready for the training you took the lead to the door, then let Genji take over since you had no idea where to go.

In the dojo were multiple weapons, training statues and even a small room with fitness machines.
"Do your bodyguards train here too?"
You asked while Genji was behind a paravon to put on his training clothes.
You though he would come out in a fancy traditional japanese fighting gown or something, instead he just wore shorts and an orange shirt.
"No armor?"
He laughed "No, no armor. But we do have that here too."
"I would love to see samurai Genji in full armor!"
"I'm not a samurai, I'm a ninja." He explained while watching you fighting the air with an invisible sword.
"Okay ninja boy. What do we start with?"
"The last time you wanted to compete with me didn't end so well." He reminded you.
"I though it ended very well." You smirked and nudged his arm slightly.
Genji was able to not get too red this time but he couldn't hide his embarrassment. "I can handle this, if not I'll take a break and let you do your thing. No worries okay?" He nodded in response.
Genji showed you his warm up routine, that already tired you but you tried to push your limits.

Also you didn't want to look like a weakling.

Next was some hammering on a wooden statue with his hands. You watched and waited until he tried to show you some of the beginner techniques.
He actually laughed alot, both of you had great fun.
After alot of weight lifting you flopped on the soft floor of the mini gym and tried to calm your pulse.
"Already exhausted?" Genji asked handing you a water bottle.
The water gave your throat life again, the sore feeling was gone and talking was an option again.
"Yes." Your voice was rough and horse. You covered your mouth, "I sound so bad." You laughed.
"Your workout is crazy, ninja boy."
"Stop calling me boy. I'm an adult." He looked offended but playful at the same time.
You raised your eyebrows.
"How old are you again?"
Genji gulped down some water before answering. "I'm 21 years old."
"Ha! I'm one year older!" You said as if you would win a price for that.
"And your brother?" He was visibly confused that you suddenly asked about Hanzo. "Uhm he's three years older than me." He scratched his head.
Something seemed off now, the atmosphere got more heavy. "How about we get us some food?" It only soothed Genji's expression but not the weird mood he was in now.
"Yes that's a good idea, I will inform the servants." He waved his hand and suddenly a servant emerged from behind you.
Startled you listened to them speaking japanese.

Ninja servants. You thought.

This is time you had a giant bowl of ramen with very creative edible decoration swimming in the soup. You were in your room again, alone this time. Genji told you he had to go and do something then would come back to spend time with you.
Delightful you slurped the noodles watching some videos online on your phone.
An advert popped up, it was of a local fashion shop. You screeched when browsing through the clothing they had.
It was decided, you had to visit this store and do some shopping.
Too bad you had no idea where the shop was, but Genji could help you.
You were positive that Genji couldn't decline if you asked him to go shopping with you.
So you waited, finished your ramen and continued waiting.
It took at least two and half hours that Genji finally knocked at the door.
"Yeeeees." You lied on the ground, motivation to do anything nearly gone. "I'm so bored!" You pouted when Genji closed the door.
"I am sorry, I had to talk to my father."
"Did you even eat?" He left you right after he ordered the food so you assumed he might have not ate at all.
"No I haven't. But I will be alright. I promised to spend time with you."
"I already have the perfect idea!"
Happily you jumped up "Let's go shopping!" You chimed and showed your phone screen to Genji. "Take me there, please." You made your biggest puppy eyes, how would he say no to that.

Ok will leave this chapter like this for now. It's short I know, I'll try to add more detail and less repetition of words.

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