Bloody Knuckles

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Without telling his older brother Genji took you out to the city and the shop you wanted to visit.
He followed you along carrying your bags.
It satisfied him slightly, he felt very useful and appreciated around you.

Every now and then you checked on Genji and if he still wanted to carry the bags since he insisted to do so. It was cute to you how hard he tried to please you or gain your gratitude. Almost like a dog wanting a treat.
You laughed at the thought of a dog with Genji's face.

"What's so funny?" He hurried up to close up on you.
"Oh nothing." You smiled and kissed his cheek.
He flushed red and looked right to left as if someone would've spied on him.
"Why you lookin' around so paranoid, are you embarrassed to be seen with me?" You faked an insulted gasp.
He pursed his lips and shook his head quickly. "Mmh okay then, good boy." You patted his head still the dog picture in your mind.

You bought alot of clothes, went from store to store, from boutique to boutique and also tried some japanese street food Genji recommended.
"Genji!" You muffled into the fish sticks you were eating and pointed at a shop sign.
You startled Genji who was lost in thought. "Y-Yes." He looked around trying to find what you were pointing at.
"I wanna get a tattoo there!"
Genji's eyes finally found the tattoo shop sign, he looked at you confused.
Not able to tell if you were joking or serious he just shook his head.
"But I always wanted one!" Pouting you finished the fish stick and poked Genji's arm with the small wood.
"You can find better tattoo studios, we also have one working for the clan."
With furrowed eyebrows you looked back to the tattoo store.
"Can we at least take a look?" It was clear you weren't that serious about a tattoo, but still curious.
"Sure, do you want to head back afterwards?" You didn't listen to Genji anymore and were already halfway to the tattoo studio. He hastily got up to follow.
Some big tattooed men just left the studio and looked at you interested.
Oblivious to the group of potential mafia guys staring at you you went right past them into the store.

They exchanged weird looks until they saw Genji following you and giving them a menacing glare.
A clear sign for them to stay away from the girl who's watched over by the Shimada.

Genji stumbled after you. "I thought you only wanted to take a look?" He asked with a slightly distressed voice.
"That's what I'm doing."
"I thought you meant from outside." He scratched his head and searched for words but was interrupted.

"Genji Shimada, didn't think to see you here." A heavy tattooed woman said while wiping her silicon gloves stained with black ink.
She spoke japanese to Genji and you didn't understand a word, but you sensed that the atmosphere wasn't right.
"We won't stay long." Genji replied grim. He just grabbed your arm and dragged you towards the exit.
"What's going on here." You struggled to get out of his grip. "We shouldn't be in here." He stated. You didn't understand him but you didn't doubt his knowledge of where to go and not to go in his city. You went outside with him, hearing the woman say a last thing to Genji, his expression switched to a kind of angry face.
"I'm sorry." You said feeling as if putting Genji into trouble. "There are some people and places here that I really don't want to see again." It explained only a bit but you didn't want to be annoying. You nodded and hooked your arm with Genji's. "Let's go back then." You suggested knowing Genji was already heading to the car you came here with.
The air seemed thick and it was as if you had trouble to breathe, when you arrived back at Shimada castle Genji excused himself and left you by yourself.
A tad pissed you went back to your room, carrying all the bags by yourself.

Okay half of it was carried by a bodyguard, but still.

When the bags were placed in the dressing room the bodyguard went to leave but you stopped him.
"Wait, please. What do you know of a tattoo shop that's run by a woman in her mid thirties or fourties?"
The tall man arched his brow. "That woman is no friend of the Shimada clan." It seemed he thought that would be enough information to satisfy you, but he was wrong.
You copied his arched brow and tapped your foot impatiently awaiting him to go on.
He got the queue and huffed out some air, probably thinking of what he's allowed to say. "She did business with us in the past but betrayed the clan so she was excluded."
"I thought the Shimada clan would deal differently with traitors." Fingers stroking your cheekbones you nodded him to go away.

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