Cold Night

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A weird smell caught your attention as you slowly awoke from your involuntary slumber.

It was dark and smelly.
It smelled like old water and mud. Like in a sewer.

Where am I?

It was cold, making you shiver.
And you were hurt.
It hurt everywhere. Your bones, your muscles, your tendons and your head.
It felt like your head would explode any second.
And your hand, it hurt so much it was numb.

Why does it hurt more?

Your ears rang and it took you a bit to understand the weird sounds you heard were your own cries and sobs caused by the pain.

Becoming more and more wary of the situation you started to wiggle.
You were on a chair, your wrists and ankles tied to it.
You tried to free yourself but the pain just got worse, the effort to just try and lift your arms was exhausting and your head hang again.

You wanted to scream for help but you couldn't even move your jaw properly.

Suddenly you heard steps coming towards you.
The sound of feet stepping on wet floor echoed through the air.

As the person got nearer to you more fear spread inside of you.

You hear a beeping sound, a mobile phone probably.
The sound of the phone dialling a number faintly reached your ears.

Japanese words filled the room, the voice talking right in front of you was dark and raspy obviously male.
You couldn't understand what he was saying.
You wanted to ask where you were and what was going on, but you were sure of three things;

He wouldn't tell you.

He doesn't even know how to tell you.

You already know the reason for your abduction.

You stayed silent.
You couldn't really stop crying from the pain going through your whole body.
Or from the thought of what would happen to you now.

Hanzo. Genji. Save me.

You sobbed more thinking of them trying to find you and maybe never actually succeeding.
And Genji wasn't even there, where they even looking for you?
Did they notice you were gone?

The phone booped and the talking stopped.
The man went away again and you heard a thudding sound when the footsteps stopped.
He sat down. He would be the guard watching you and hindering you if you'd try to escape.

But all attempts were futile.
All the strength in your muscles was gone from the drugged tea and the pain.
You gave up on it and decided to recover without making any minor efforts.
Maybe, just maybe you could at least put up a fight.

Meanwhile in the Shimada castle Hanzo was putting together all information he had from security cameras, other bodyguards and servants.
He was sure that Kumo's men must've been the ones taking Y/N.
He knew it was bad news when Genji told him about their visit in her tattoo shop.
But he didn't expect them to be so cocky to come into the lions cave.

The door to the office Hanzo was in swung open and in stepped a furious Genji.
"WHERE IS SHE?" He yelled and ran to the desk with photos of the security tapes.
"She took her." Hanzo replied dry, all emotion drained from him.
The only think he could feel was rage and pure anger.
He was fuming and so was his brother.
"We have to take her back!" Genji's voice was slightly lower but still loud enough to fuel Hanzo's temper even more.
"We will." Hanzo gritted his teeth.
"Get your equipment."
Genji nodded and hurried away.

Hanzo also left the information table and put on his armor, his quiver and the bow. Genji returned short after in similar armor but holding a long katana on his back.

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