The Taste Of Blood

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Guess who got a lil boost of confidence when some nice fellas commented lots and made me feel like I'm special.
Well thanks anyway for the seemingly small but for me super important support.


Very slowly you awoke from your deep slumber. You kept your eyes shut and stretched your back out along with your arms just to snuggle back into Genji's hug.
Curiously you opened one eye checking if it was what you thought it would be.
And it was. Genji lied there with slightly parted lips, puffing out quiet sleepy breaths. Your eye wandered down to his bare chest and his strong arms around you.



That happened.

You recalled yesterday's events with a big smile and red cheeks. Your fingers slowly traced little circles on his chest while you kept fantasizing. He hummed in his sleep and shifted abit, but never letting go of you with even one arm.
Even when asleep he was still protective, his arms brushed against your naked skin making you realise how sweaty you were from the action so you decided on taking a shower.

It was abit tricky to get out of Genji's dreamy grasp but you managed without waking him.

Who's the ninja now?

Barefooted you sneaked into the bathroom and over to the separate shower room.
Under the running water you imagened Genji joining you, excited you listened to anything what could be steps. But there was nothing. He was probably still asleep.
You shrugged and got out after you rinsed out the shampoo in your hair.

Only covered by a blanket you wanted to surprise Genji a bit. You opened the door with a loud bang and found yourself in front of a startled Hanzo.
Speechless your eyes moved to your bed, no Genji to be seen.

Hanzo's expression smoothened abit after the shock, he averted his gaze from you.
"My brother has to attend a meeting with my father, he may be busy the whole day."

What a great start to the day!

"Are you here to tell me that?" You asked trying to cover yourself more with the tiny towel.
Thankfully there was a bathrobe lying beside the sink, you quickly stepped sideways to get it and throw it over your body.
Hanzo saw that you had put on something more appropriate and his eyes met yours.
The glare was intense as always.

"I am here because I had to drag Genji out of bed, he never remembers his duties." Hanzo visibly tried to hide his anger, what didn't succeed since you saw how his knuckles turned white when he mentioned his brother's name.

"How's your lip?" A smooth change of subject. His lip was bruised as before but this time the blood had left a dark red split in the middle of his lower lip.
He looked like a character from arcade fighting games.
"Better." He just said walking towards the door. You didn't stop him, you didn't dare to.
He stopped when he opened the door and looked back at you.

"Do you want to accompany me while I train archery?" His eyes were somewhat hopeful and not as fierce as before.
You smiled softly, how could you say no to that.
"Let me just get ready and-"
"I'll go ahead. You know where the training room is."
He vanished out the door.

Wow. First sweet and now a jerk.

Anyway you got yourself dried and fully clothed.
As you arrived at the archery room you already heard the arrows fly through the air.
Hanzo's seemed to not notice you at first, he kept doing his exercise for about three minutes without looking at you once.
You sat down quietly and watched him.
"Do you want to try it?" He asked his eyes focused on the target.
"Uhm sure, why not." You got up and Hanzo finally took down the bow and put it on your hands.

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