Extra: Sober Up

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Stumbling Hanzo tried walking through the garden, the sake had taken it's toll on him and the dim moon light wasn't bright enough to light the man's way.
Hanzo used to do this every evening now since Y/N left at the airport. The frustration was drowned in the alcohol and then taken out on some cherry trees in the garden. His knuckles were in bad shape but Hanzo couldn't care less.
The cicadas were singing while Hanzo's fist met the cold hard wood.
Splinters flew and blood splashed out the sore wounds.

"What are you doing?! You could get an infection!"

Hanzo still heard your voice in his head, every advice you would give or any sarcastic comment you'd make echoed in Hanzo's head.
He couldn't bare it. Another punch hit the bark, Hanzo grunted in pain a relatively big splinter stuck out of the tree and Hanzo's fist hit right onto hit.
It pierced through his knuckles.
"Fuck!" He screamed when yanked out the splinter.
Tearless sobs could be heard in the garden, Hanzo just let himself fall into the grass while holding his bleeding hand. "Why did you leave me?" He asked the wind rustling through the leafs.

It rustled again, but not like wind more like an animal.
Or a person.
Hanzo shot up his eyes searching for the source of the noise.
Another rustle, Hanzo whipped around and could only see a black figure rushing through the bushes.
"Stop it Genji!" Hanzo yelled and he heard a distant giggle from the bushes, a female voice.
Y/N's voice?
Hanzo froze and his eyes narrowed. "Y/N?" His words were unsure, were you really here or did he just hallucinate again?
But it was different, something was very different.
"Aw did you hurt yourself?" You said with a pretentious voice.
"Who are you?" Hanzo demanded still looking at the bush. Suddenly more laughter could be heard but from all around. Panicky Hanzo turned around not able to see anything but the nature surrounding him.
"Do you want me to kiss your booboo?" The shape jumped out from behind Hanzo and tackled him down. The alcohol made it impossible for Hanzo to react but he wasn't sure if he could've dodged this attack even if he was sober. His face hit the ground, thankfully the grass acted slightly as a pillow and made it less painful. Nonetheless his back hurt from the attacker sitting on it.
"Get off of me!" He grunted and tried to wiggle free, he managed to turn his body around so he could see the assaulter.
His back pressed against the cold ground he stared up the silhouette.
The clouds lifted, the moonlight illuminated them and Hanzo's breathing stopped.
Y/N sat on him, holding him down with a firm grip on his shoulders.
A devilish grin decorated her face.
Hanzo looked shocked at Y/N's wings and horns. "What are you?" He muttered in disbelief. "I am your desire." You said, you took Hanzo's hand licking his wound and the blood sticking on it. He didn't struggle against it. The touch felt so real, but the appearance was much like of a succubus.
Hanzo had read about them in old books about demons and monsters.
"This is not real." The words were nearly inaudible, Hanzo huffed out a racked breath.
You smirked down at your prey. "Denial is so easy. You know what else is easy?" Teasingly you took Hanzo's index finger in your mouth and started sucking on it.
Hanzo pulled his hand away and looked at you shocked. "Don't try to seduce me demon!" Still he lied beneath you unable to actually stand up. "Aw don't be mean." You pouted your lip and watched Hanzo's expression soften.
He didn't know what to think or what to believe.
Was this a hallucination?
Was Y/N a succubus?
Was this succubus taking the form of Y/N?
While Hanzo's thoughts tumbled inside his head you took the chance to bend down and bring your face closer to his. "Just let it happen, I promise it will be good." Your lips kissed his glistering parted lips. His confused and shocked expression amused you and an evil chuckle escaped your lips.
As you suggested it Hanzo's muscles stopped resisting. "Good boy." You said and cupped his cheek. Hanzo pulled away yet again but welcomed the warmth coming from your hand.
His eyes followed your movement as you moved down his body. Hanzo lifted his torso to watch you untie the knot of his yukata. Hanzo had the urge to stop you, the succubus, but also wanted to feel you.
Only now Hanzo really grasped the whole form of your nude body. He gulped when his eyes met yours. "You want all of me?" You stretched as if you were tired, exposing yourself to Hanzo's gaze. He couldn't resist but to lay his hands on your hips and bring himself further up to tenderly kiss your bellybutton.
Your thin tail whipped in excitement over Hanzo's sudden approach. He looked a bit confused over the tail but surely put the dots together.

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