Cold Night II

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Just breath.
Catch your breath.
Pull yourself together.

Genji and Hanzo knelt on top of a high building, the entrance to the canalisation in sight.
They were out of breath and exhausted, but there was no time to recover.
They had to act as fast as they could.

Genji was right, there were so many suspicious figures that Y/N had to be in there.
Hanzo's eyes counted the enemies while Genji estimated their fighting skills based on their statue.
All of them were armed with guns and knifes hid under their cheap suits.
The brothers eyes met.
There were no words to speak.
There was only one thing to do anymore.


Driven by this only thought they got out their weapons.
Genji stormed forward and off the building, sliding down the wall and dashing onto his first enemy.
Hanzo waited a second for Genji to be down, then shot.

The arrow hit the guard that was farthest away, he didn't even get to scream.
The guy beside him just saw a flash of black and jumped in shock.
His partner falling to the ground, an arrow in his chest piercing right through his heart.
He didn't had time to look where the shots were coming from. The next arrow hit him as he wanted to draw the weapon.

Genji was busy with the ones in front.
Although he wasn't really busy with them.
He sliced through them like a hot knife cut through butter.
Blood sprayed around him marking his armor and coating his blade.
He dashed from one target to the next, guards falling around him as his brother shot the ones noticing Genji's blood bath.

More guards came out of the canalisation, not knowing what horror would await them.
The brothers had wiped out everyone in the area, blood pooling down the sliced and punctuated corpses.
The new guards stumbled back in shock but had no time to react to the furious ninja approaching them.
One of them managed to get out his weapon, as Hanzo shot him down the guards finger twitched and a loud bang sounded through the area.

Their eyes widened. Genji whipped around to look at his older brother.

Hanzo knew.
He knew to move even faster now.
Swift movements brought him down to the ground.
He tried his best not to step into the blood, but his brothers wrath left the ground red.

Their eyes met again.

Let's go.

Silent but fast they went through the small tunnels, stopping at every corner to listen for voices leading them to Y/N.

They overhead someone on the phone.
"I heard a gunshot I think they ar-"
Hanzo's arrow hit the man's throat.
He fell into the water coughing and holding his throat.
Genji finished him without even looking.
They heard steps, alot of steps splashing through the water.

Back up was on its way.
On its way into the mouth of bloodthirsty dragons.

The tunnels were dark, only lit by some electric lanterns from the already dead guards.

The steps came closer and Hanzo got out one of his special bows, perfect for multiple targets gathered in a small room.

Genji knew his brothers abilities and although they both would never admit it they functioned together like a machine.
The younger stood back and watched Hanzo pull the string, his hand started to tremble as he pulled to the maximum.

The guards approaching the Shimadas saw their silhouettes and drew their weapons screaming and yelling death wishes.

The arrow cut through the air with a sharp sound, it hit the ceiling above the group of men.
As the tip of the arrow hit the concrete the impact triggered it to split and rain down with the same force it was fired.

The fragments went through the bodies with no ease.
They fell like flies.
Some were on the floor, whining and crying from pain.
The brothers executed them as they walked past and continued the search for Y/N.

Your consciousness was just shutting off and back on again over and over.
Your senses were tired and played tricks on you.
You heard sounds and voices that just couldn't be there. You hallucinated, or at least you thought you did.
And your skin was crawling, itching and hurting.

Time was nonexistent, the only thing there was pain.
You felt a sting on your arm and your blood was fueled with something.


They were pumping drugs into your system non stop.
Everything was dark but you saw flashes of light as if fairies flew around.
Your body was lifted by big hands.


Were you sitting? Or lying? What happened? Where were you?
Didn't you ask yourself that before?

Muffled voices spoke to you, or to someone else?
It was inaudible for you anyway.
But the voices got more and more distressed.
The hands roaming your body left you.
You had only noticed them being there as they were gone.
You tried lifting your head with no avail, instead you flickered your eyelids open.

Oh. My eyes were closed.

It wasn't as pitch black as before but your view was still not good.
A shimmery light was at the wall, a lantern maybe.
It gave enough light to see the wall it was attached to but nothing more.
Even in your drugged state you still got mad at the inefficiency of this thing.

You tried to remember what you were focusing on before opening your eyes.

The hands. They left, who left?

The people toying with you had left in a hurry.
You could hear yelling echoing through what seemed to be a tunnel like area.
Loud bangs were heard too, gun shots.

Will I die here?

Genji slaughtered everyone in his way.
They just ran into his blade and if they were smart enough not to run at him but get out their guns and try to shoot him he just dashed towards them thrashing through.
Hanzo followed him, he held his bow low, Genji was doing the juggernaut job anyway.
The amount of men coming out of the tunnels just kept growing.
"How do they have so many people here. They are just like rats. A plague."
Hanzo talked to himself while watching the body parts and organs fly around his rampaging brother.

Genji's front was completely crimson by now.
Soft lighting giving him and overworldly glow.

They reached a small hall leading to another three tunnels as they heard a voice from above them.
"The god of death himself."
The brothers jumped back pointing their weapons at the unseen enemy.

A glint of silver struck their eyes but it was still too dark to see.
Metal hit the stoney ceiling as something crawled around.
Like a spider, Hanzo thought and shot an arrow at where he expected his enemy.
"You missed."
Hanzo kicked out when he felt the breath brush his neck.

"Genji!" He yelled and the younger hurried to him parrying something he couldn't see.
The younger got pushed back by whatever hit him, it sounded like metal hitting his blade.

"Show yourself coward!" Genji screamed.

"I would be a fool showing myself vulnerable to a shinigami, wouldn't I?" The voice came from somewhere else again. But this time Hanzo heard him get there.
"He must have some sort of body modification enabling him to move quickly, climb quickly."
Hanzo was tempted to shoot another of his scatter arrows but he couldn't ensure his or his brothers safety then.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Genji stormed to where the voice was coming from and swung his sword around.
Just as Genji actually hit something with his blind attack Hanzo heard voices from one of the tunnels.

It was a risk but it was anything he had.
Genji had heard it too.
"Go brother! I got this guy!"
Hanzo wasted no time and started running, bow out and ready.

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