Your Touch

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The tunes chimed through the room and filled his ears. You had given Genji your playlist of favourite chill out songs.
It wasn't quite what Genji listened to but it somehow had your personality, the way the music shifted from slow to a mildly faster pace reminded him of how you moved, how your hair flipped when you laughed and your whole body trembled when he kissed you.

What is this feeling?

Genji's thoughts became more and more dizzy. He was in love.
He didn't understand it yet but all he could think about was you.
His head began to pound against his chest as if it wanted to break free, he kicked his legs excitedly not able to hold still.
He wanted to see you, to tell you now that he was sure you were the one.

When Genji opened the door, it was pouring. The music had blocked off the sound of the rain drops cascading into the small puddles.
Silently swearing at the sudden cold and wetness when he stepped out he made his way down to your room.
Servants eager to make it out of the rain quickly passed by Genji, he was too busy to notice the worrying faces.
When he got to your door he stopped, confused he looked through the open doorway. Servants were cleaning and organising the room. None of Y/N's items was to be seen.
"What's going on?" He asked perplexed. With wide eyes the servants looked at him, one laid down the broom and came up to him.
"I am deeply sorry master Genji. Your father decided to send Y/N away, back to her home. We informed master Hanzo and he said that he would tell you." She looked down, face full of regret.
Genji's fists balled, his vein started to show on his forehead. He turned on his heels and sprinted to the gate.
The rain had soaked him by now and his limbs got heavier.
Not stopping he opened the gate as he got there just to stand in front of the empty driveway.
No car, no vehicle to be seen.
His arms slumbed down, he looked to his sides, the bodyguards watched him confused but knowing what was going on.
Genji could tell from their faces that they knew exactly what Hanzo did.

He would never forgive him for that.

"When did he leave?" Genji asked grim, his voice muffled by the rain.
"About twenty minutes by now." One of them said looking at his partner who just nodded.
"We're sorry, we didn't know that he didn't tell you." The other started to apologize.
"We got to have something else here, a motorcycle, a left over car for emergencies! Something! I need to see her, I need to tell her-" Genji's voice cracked, emotions began to boil up.
The first bodyguard got out his cellphone and started dialing a number, he gave Genji a sign letting him know he would organise a car.
Genji nodded, thankful but also full of anger.
"Brother you will regret this." He spoke to himself through his teeth.

Hanzo sped over the road, surrounded by darkness and the illuminated rain drops hitting the windshield.
His knuckles turned white by how hard he gripped the wheel, his foot was heavy on the gas pedal. He wouldn't just let you leave, he wouldn't just have his father have his way. No, he would tell you, it was his last chance to tell you.
Hanzo knew you had to go back at some point, but not so sudden, not without him telling you his true feelings.
It was something he had never felt before. The way you made him feel was not comparable to anything.
"Love." He whispered while his eyes were focused on the horizon, hoping to see the back lights of the car you were sitting in.
When he noticed that he wasn't too far away anymore from the airport he began babbling to himself, pretending to talk to you and structuring his sentences, choosing the words that described what he felt the most. Within a few minutes he put together a small speech to tell you what he felt.
Hanzo took a deep breath, he felt prepared.
The lights of the tower showed up in the distance, Hanzo's heart beat began to quicken.
This was his time.

You got out of the limousine, a bodyguard held your hand and when you hesitated he squeezed it reassuring you. The rain was drumming on the car's roof and on the umbrella the bodyguard held up for you.
"The machine is ready. Let's go." He let go of your hand and closed the door behind you. "Okay." You whimpered with wet cheeks.
Your feet went slow, so slow. They felt like ice blocks, every step hurt more than the one before.
Suddenly a loud noise struck through the rain.
A limousine drove in on the field, honking and screeching when it stopped.
Your bodyguard turned around and stood in front of you.

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