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Just so you know if not with YOU Hanzo and Genji speak japanese but I find it too weeb-ish to write the cursing in japanese lol

I'm sorry for the bad quality of my writing in the past chapters, I haven't reread them for errors and I just can't get myself to do so cuz I'm too lazy and a game addict

Well anyway I'll do better


Genji's eyes scanned the ceiling, he slowly got used to the darkness surrounding him and it was as if his fury burned inside him like a torch ready to burn everything and everyone to ashes.
Nothing would stop him from saving you, anyone trying will face their cruel fate.

A noise behind him, Genji twirled around but only hit metal again.
He took too long to draw back and something hit him in the face.
Genji hit the ground and rolled to the side dodging the next attack.
He didn't see it coming, it was more like instinct.
He knew now that his attacker was fighting with metal prosthetics, probably an illegal upgrade but at least no high-tech weapon like his own sword.
A sinister giggle broke the silence.
"You cannot kill what you cannot see."
Genji's stance followed the voices direction. "I don't need to see you."
He stabbed forward and his sword was thrown to the side, the man had parried it and pushed his fist forward just like Genji had expected it.
He still couldn't see but the sound was enough to give away the position, he was ready and pulled out the dagger from behind his back and made a cut where the attackers stomach would be.
An ugly sound went through the tunnels, it was like a sushi chef cutting open the fish's guts.
The blade cut through his skin and muscles leaving his intestines unprotected and vulnerable.
His smart attitude was no longer as he screamed in pain swinging his fists at Genji. But his attacks wouldn't hit anymore, the strength was drained from him together with his life.
Blood and gore was ripped from his body when Genji kept slashing, slicing and stabbing in rage.
He took only a second to recover from his outburst.
He got up from the hideous corpse and ran after his brother.

Hanzo was already far ahead. His feet carried him as fast as they could, he partly couldn't even feel them anymore because of the exhaustion and distraction. He wasn't thinking straight, but he had to.
For you he had to stay sane.

Just as Hanzo wanted to go into the next tunnel there was an armed barricade of men.
They shot as soon as they saw Hanzo.
He jumped back immediately but one bullet grazed his arm.
He took cover at the corner holding his injured arm.
"Fuck!" He grabbed another scatter arrow, aimed and realised he ran out of scatter arrows. In his hand was a normal arrow.
Hanzo heard some of the weapons getting reloaded.
He needed to come up with a plan. That this barricade was there was enough proof for him that he was on the right track and behind them he would find Y/N.

While Hanzo was having another mental breakdown he heard familiar steps, silent but quick.
With two fingers he signaled Genji that they needed to go through the tunnel that was blocked off.
Genji nodded and stood beside his brother. "You ran out of arrows?"
"Just the special ones, I have plenty to kill those bastards."
Blood ran down Hanzo's arm and through his fingers, Genji noticed and quickly cut off a piece of his scarf and bandaged his brothers arm as best as he could.
"We are not done yet." The younger said.
"I know." Hanzo pushed himself off the wall. "I think one of them had a grenade." Hanzo pointed to some corpses lying in the water.
He was right, Genji went over to check and found something what looked like a stun grenade to them.
"Even better than explosives. We don't want the tunnel to crash." Genji went to the corner and readied himself to throw it.
He looked back to his brother, Hanzo was also ready and waiting.
In their head they both counted and on three Genji pulled the ring and threw the grenade into the tunnel.
Instantly they closed their eyes and turned away from the tunnel entrance.
A loud noise was heard and a bright flash blinded all the guards looking into it.
Grunting and cussing was heard from the tunnel, the queue to attack.

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