Friendship in a Nutshell

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Sorry for uploading soo late.
In last 3 chapters we discussed about You, Others and Love briefly. In this chapter we are gonna combine these three and bring it out in form of what is called friendship.

In our life infinite number of things happen and we cannot help ourself but sharing it becomes a part of our nature.
Some things can be shared with family and some only with friends. Friends are not only to listen to your problems but also to share theirs too. Friends are someone who will never judge you no matter what. But is that it? I mean ask yourself what do you see in a friend.

Let's say friends are a different kind of family. With them you can discuss what you cannot with your parents or relatives. They are around your age so they even understand you better.
Say for example , having a crush on someone. You ain't gonna ask permission from your mom to like a girl. You'd dare to even tell your mom that you like a girl. But with a friend, he would give you information and try to help you to how to get her. You can see a major difference of attitudes here for same topic.

Friendship can never be something which downfalls you.
But yes, you have to keep it maintained so as to avoid bitter relations.
Never make a friend an enemy because he already knows everything about you.

Female friends are usually considered as girlfriends. I'd actually like to talk about this. Well, of course why can't a guy and a girl just be friends? I mean whats wrong in that? If they are teased for being together then it is absolutely rubbish. Having friend of opposite gender does not mean they have some affection romantically. Instead it helps better development of mind for thinking in different ways which you acquire from other gender.

Friend is a kind of person who you can tell everything freely and not feel restricted by anything. A person who can understand your situations and help you to do something about it instead of criticizing you and pointing out your faults in it is a friend.Say in a group of four best friends if you always get roasted, it doesn't mean they hate you or something. Maybe when you talk to them alone ,that's when their 'best friend' part comes out.

In friendship there is obviously no 'thank you' or 'sorry'. While talking to friends it always feels so easy. It is informal and always a mood of jokes and puns is around. Whereas with other people who airnt friends or are just new , they act and talk very plainly and formally ;which for some people like me is very awkward. If friends do that then it's even more weird and probably won't know what to reply.

~Well to summarize as points~
1 : Share and make them feel to share back too.
2 : Don't always be plain and always like logical and formal.Avoid asking "so?" or "How does it matter to me?"
3 : Meet more often! Yeah, meeting is very important. Texting for months to a person and having a good relation with them could actually be established in ten days if met daily.
4 : Always be there during their hard time. Never leave 'em hanging.
5 : Avoid fights and don't get offended often.

~Will post next chapter next week

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