The cursed alarm blares in my ear waking me from my slumber. Today I wear black skinny jeans, black fitted t-shirt and my trusty black leather jacket with my black converses. Black was my colour, it went well with my green eyes and curly hair.
After I finish getting ready for school, I leave the house avoiding all contact with the two pieces of shit.
I ride my motorbike to school, and I feel free and relaxed for once in a very long time. The sun's shining and quite frankly it's a nice day to be useful so I decide after school I would go down to the nursery and volunteer. I'm quite glad that it isn't far from school, cause I cannot be bothered to travel.
I walk into a hive of activity: there are children colouring, drawing, singing and dancing. the walls are decorated with paintings of random things.
'Welcome Mr Gray, we've been expecting you', a short women with white hair says, whilst smiling and pulling me along into a corner to her office.
'I'm Mrs Taylor, but you can call me Lianne. You will be helping out with PE classes, teaching the kids how to play sport, and how to do a few group activities. Don't forget to smile and be patient.'
She says all this while smiling, fixing this little kids clothes and picking up some mess on the floor. I'm really impressed, she's so bubbly and excited she reminds me of my mum.
she takes me to the shed, shows me all the things I would need and the little courts. There's miniature basketball goals and a miniature tennis court.
She brings me to a group of children for me to work with and they all smile eagerly whilst walking towards me, and I actually felt mature.
I start off by getting to know their names, and after I explain the basics of basketball, well...
'Throw the ball to your friend, they will catch it and do that until the closest person to the net shoots. Sometimes you can bounce the ball on the floor to move around.'
That was the easiest I could explain it, but these kids were fast at learning and got the hang in no time.
'Jamie throw to Anne, nice catch Anne, now pass to Michael, and shoot, shoot shoot', I say while lifting him up so he could dunk. These kids were so enthusiastic, screaming along and cheering for their friends, I actually enjoyed doing this.
After an hour went by we all lie on the floor exhausted and worn out, breathing heavily but with smiles on our faces. Lily had brought me over a flower for all my "hard work", and I quote straight from her cause she is absolutely adorable. Not to boast or anything, but I think she has a crush on me.
As I look back up into the building, I meet with brown eyes, and Rachael seems a bit embarrassed that I caught her staring, as she averts her eyes and plays with her hair.
On the inside I was laughing, she was cute when she did that, and I felt bad for making her feel embarrassed, so when she turned to see if I was still looking, surprisingly I wave and she waves back.
As we make our way back inside I go over to talk to her.
'How are you feeling from the other day?' she asks.
'I'm okay, nothing I couldn't handle'
'You looked really happy with those kids'
'Yeah, it was nothing', I reply with a sheepish smile while running my hand through my hair, ' I didn't know you volunteer here', I say in attempt to change the subject.
'Actually it was one of the things to do on my bucket list'
'Oh, how's that going?'
'It's good, I completed one yesterday'
'Which was?....'
'Make dinner for my family'
Before I can reply, a little blonde girl started to tug at her hand.
'Rae Rae Rae Rae! Come and play princesses with us', she screams.
'i'll be over in a second,' Rachael relpies.
'No, now, pleaseeeeeeeee'
'How can I refuse a face like that' Rachael says, bending over to pick the little girl up as she makes a puppy dog face.
'Bye', she says casually while walking away and I reply with a nod, while walking away myself to collect my stuff.
Today was a good day, one in many.
I turn to say bye to Miss Taylor, and as I make my way home, I hope tomorrow will be just like today.

My Time To Go
RomanceA typical yet tragic love story set in High School in which Nathaniel Gray, the poor bad boy player falls helplessly in love Rachael Collins, the rich popular princess. You would want to be them until you find out the truth, but can he handle the tr...