Chapter 8

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"Oh my god they're here!" Abby shouts from the living room. Great. She bought somthing. The last time she was this excited about somthing she bought a llama. And we didn't have the space for it so we had to send it to a fark but not before she got emotionaly attached. And now she drags me to a farm three hours away to see her llama, Jose. 

"What did you get?" I groan walking to the living room.

"Its a suprise" She says. She looks like she was about to explode. I look at the package she was holding. It was an envolope. Well at least it wasn't a llama.

"Its your present for the Spacepoop-versary"

"We said no presents" I say feeling guilty I didn't buy her anything.

"I lied. Now before you open this you need to know how hard it was to keep this a secret" she says handing me the envolope. I smile widley ripping the envolope.

"Oh my god" I wisper as two tickets fall out. Not just any tickets. One direction tickets. For tomorow.

"OH MY GOD" I screan jumping up.

"There's more" Abby says smiling. I reach in and grab to backstage passes.

"ABBY I LOVE YOU OH MY GOD" I say exciment running towards her and pulling her in a hug.


"BEST PRESENT EVER"I shout jumping up and down.

"I made signs too" She says scurying off too her room. I laugh loudly as she comes out with two giant signs that read 'Zayn do you give a motherfuck?' and 'Get naked you dicks I payed for this'.

"Theese are awesome" I say smiling and touching the sparkles.

"And there for sure going to see them because we are front row" Abby says squelling a little.

"We need to go shopping. Now" I say grabbing Abbys arm. Shopping awaits.


"We look so cute" Abby says jumping a little. We both had on high waisted skater skirts on and a crop top that says 'Fangirl'. Mine was pink and hers was blue.

"Lets get Paul." Abby says running towards the apartment. Paul was our hot english neighbor who took our pictutres for us. He was a photographer.

"Paul" Abby says sweetly knocking on his door.

"Coming Love" He calls from inside. He opens the door and smiles "You guys look beautiful"

"Thanks Paul" I say handing him my phone. "Take our picture please"

"No problem. Smile" We both smile widley. Real smiles because we are about to meet our idols.

"Thankssss" We say hugging him.

"No problem babes" He says patting our backs.

"Eerhhrm" I look behind us and see the boys standing there.

"Oh hey" Abby says letting go of Paul.

"Hey" Michael says glarring at Paul. I chuckle and move next to Abby.

"This is Paul, our neighbor." I say "Paul this is Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael"

"Hey. Well here's your phone I will see you guys later" Paul says akwardly "Bye loves" he gives us each a kiss on the cheeck.

"So what's up?" Abby asks smiling.

"Well we came to see what you were doing tonight but clearly you had plans" Michael sneers.

"Actaully I do. See you later" Abby says sounding offended by Michaels tone. She waves to the boys before going into the apartment.

"We sort of do have plans, We are going to the one direction concert. " I say akwardly. "See you guys"  I give them each a hug and walk in. Concert time.



"That fucking twat. Who does he think he is?" I ask. I was fuming. Who did that guy think he was?

"We don't know if he's a twat mate" Calum says patting my back.

"Oh I fucking know" I say

"Look Mike, stop bitching." Ashton says "Ask her out or somthing"

"I will then"



The concert was amazing. Our throats were sore and I had no regrets. Zayn actually noticed our sign and said he did not give a mother fuck, Niall took our other sign and danced around with it during Better than Words, and Harry ate the bananas we threw at him.

"So this is goodbye" Liam says waving

"We love you so much" Niall adds.

"Wait" I look over and see Michael run on stage. Why was he here? I look at Jess and she was just as confused as me.

"Hey Mikey" Niall say hugging him. The whole crowd awes.

"Hey." he was holding a mike. "Abby can you come up here?"

"Go" Jess says pushing me.


"Go" I sigh and walk to the stage ignoring all the hatfull comments being thrown at me

"Michael what are you doing?" I ask chuckling

"Abby I'm sorry about today.  I was a dick I know I was just jellous" he says grabbing my hand. "And if you give me another chance I wont do that again I'm really sorry"

"Its okay" I say patting his hand.

"No its not. Abby will you be my girlfriend?"



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