Chapter 13

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"Uh hey I'm Abby" I say to the two girls sitting in front of Jess and I staring intensly. These were apparently Ashton and Calums girlfriends and they were horrifying. They were both wearing heavy black makeup, full black outfits, and their hair was styled in that weird 'scene' way and was completly black. Of corse Luke and Mikey went to talk to them about these kids and left us wih their lady friends. Their stare intensifies and I look away to akwardly. I'm freaking out omg.

"I'm going to get drinks" Jess says standing up.

"I'll help" I say following her to the kitchen.

"What the fuck is happening?" Jess wisper shouts once we were safe in the kitchen.

"I have no flackin clue" I wisper back. "One of them growled at me"

"We don't even know their names"

"My name is Alana. This is Alexa." I look over and see the two girls staring harshley. Alexa pokes Alana and wispers somthing in Alanas ear. Why wasn't she speaking? I'm dying.

"Alexa wants a drink" Alana says before walking out with Alexa on her tail. Why did Cal and Ash bring these kids here?



"You guys can't date someone you meet in a back alley way" I say sighing.

"I love Alexa Lucifer. Why can't you let me be happy" Calum says.

"Cal, you met her less then a day ago" Michael says.

"Well I love her" he protests.

"No you don't. You just think you do" I say running a hand through my hair.

"Don't tell us how we feel Lucifer. We are in love." Ashton says glaring at us. "We're leaving"

"My names not even Lucifer!" I shout as I hear the door slam. I never though I'd be fighting with Calum and Ashton over their girlfriends with Clifford on my side.



"Jess shut him up" Abby whines leaning onto Michaels shoulder. It had been an hour since Ashton and Calum left with their demon child girlfriends and we were watching mean girls.

"Four for you Glenn Coco. You go Glenn Coco" 

"Luke shush" I say smiling at him.

"AND NONE FOR GRETCHEN WEINERS" He suddenly shouts. I giggle and cover his mouth. Luke suddenly licks my hand and I squel pulling it back.

"You liked my hand" I whine.

"Not the only thing I lick" He says wrigling his eyebrows.

"Pervert" I say blushing like crazy.

"I was talking about ice cream jeez Jess get your mind out of the gutter"  He says batting his eyes inocently. I roll my eyes and we continue watching the movie with Luke saying all the lines out loud and Michael shouting some insults.



"I'm sleepy" I say softly into Michaels cheast. His cheast rumbles as he chuckles and kisses my head.

"Lets go to bed" He says as we both stand up and make our way to my room.

"Goodnight" he says leaning in to kiss me.

"You can stay" I say a little to quickly "I mean of you want. You don't have to I mean I was just off-"

"Id love to" Michael says cutting of my rant. I blush and nod.

"I'll change in the bathroom" I say akwardly. Michael nods and as pulls his shirt off. I bite my lip staring. I couldn't help it. Don't judge me.

"Like what you see?" he asks smirking. I stick my tounge out at him. He chuckles and tosses me his grey Nirvana shirt.

"Wear it" he comands. I blush and walk to the bathroom. I slip on his shirt and giggle. It landed mid thigh. I honestly could not resist the urge to lean down and smell it. It smelled nice. Fangirling so hard. I slip on some pink shorts that you couldn't actually see, it made me feel better knowing I had actual pants on though.

"Hey" Michal says as I walk out. "You look hot in my shirt "

"Shut up" I say blushing.

"Nope" he says leaning in and pecking my lips.

"Your gorgeous and I will tell you this every day and every hour and minute because you should hear it" He says his face inches from mine. My cheeks heat up and I'm a hundred percent sure I looked like a tomato. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him giving me the butterflies which I always had around him.

"I think I love you Abby" Michael says as we seperate.

"What?" I ask biting my lip.

"I know its only been a month but I don't care. I love you, you don't have to say it back. I just want you to know" he says looking down.

"I love you" I say a giant smile on my face.

"Really?" he asks smiling as well

"Yeah" He smashes his lips to mine and I smile into the kiss.

"I love you" he says again.

"I love you" I repeat. I don't think I would ever hear enough of these words.

"Shut the fuck uo you two I'm trying to sleep" Luke shouts probably from Jessicas room.

"Fuck off" Michael shouts back. I giggle and floop on my bed. Michael and Luke exchange a few more insults before laying next to me. I move closer and he wraps arms around my waiste

"Goodnight." He wispers as I fall asleep.


Aw cute ish maybe

So what do you think about Ashton and Calums girlfriends?

btw ment to be funny not offensive. Love you guys byeeee.

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