Chapter 22

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"Are you sure you want to come?" I ask Abby for what felt like the hundreth time. We were going to pick up the boys from the airport and I wanted to make sure she was okay to see Michael.

"Jess I'm fine. I want to see them. I miss them and I wont let some ass wipe twat bag stop me from seeing my friends" she says placing a hand on her hip.

"Okay sassy pants" I say as we leave our apartment.

"I'm so excited" I say. "Sorry" I'm not sure why I was apologizing, I just felt bad I guess.

"Don't apologize for being happy to see your boyfriend. You havent seen him in six months. Its okay" she tells me. I sight and link elbows with her.

"Tonight shall be fun" I tell her.

"Yeah." she agrees "Fun"

A few minutes of walking later we arive at the airport. It was filled with teen girls and paparazi. Great. I stand on my tippie toes looking over the crowd for my to tall aussie. Where is he?

"Hey babe" I look behind me and see Luke.

"Luke" I shout jumping in his arms. I missed him so much. I bury my face in his shoulder inhalling his smell I've missed so much.

"Jess I missed you" he says in my hair. I felt whole again. Luke was still holding me and I lean up kissing his lips. We seperate and he smiles at me our foreheads still touching.

"I'm not leaving again" He says softly.

"Good. Im half a heart without you" I reply

"Did you just use one direction in a heart felt couple moment?" Luke asks smirking.

"Shut up" I say swatting his chest. Things were back to normal.


I couldn't help but be nervous as we waited for the boys. I was so excited to see them don't get me wrong, but to be honest I'm not sure if I would punch or kiss Michael when I saw him.

"Hey babe" I look over and see Luke. Jess of corse flips shit and jumps in his arms. Forever alone.

"Abby!" I look over and see Ashton running at me.

"Ash!" I shout as we come together for a hug.

"I missed you" he says

"I forgot how buff you are" I tell him squezing his arm muscle. He laughs and kisses my forhead.

"How are you?" he asks. I can only assume he's talking about me and Michael.

"Good" I tell him. A few seconds later Calum comes over pulling me in for a hug.

"Cal Pal!" I shout. He laughs loudly

"Abb-pal!" he responds causing me to giggle.

"Not the same bud" I say seperating from the hug.

"Shut up." he says kissing my forehead. "I missed you"

"I missed you too" Jessica and Luke finnaly seperate from their hug and I walk over to give Luke a hug. There was a lot of hugging going on.

"Lukey!"  I say smiling.

"Abby!" he responds.

"Hey sorry for not calling, but I really apreciate you telling Jess" I tell him. He nods and smiles sadly.

"No problem kiddo"

"We are the same age" I inform him. He rolls his eyes.

"But I'm taller sooo" he declares trailing off. I punch his arm and look around. There was one person missing, Michael.

"Where's Michael?" Jess asks.

"At the house. He didn't feel like waiting." Calum informs us. I nod and bite my lip.

"Sleepover time!" Ashton shouts.

"I uh need to stop at the house and grab clothes. " I say suddenly "See you later." I begin to walk away but Ashton grabs my arm.

"I'll come with" he tells me.

"Me too. I have a feeling Jess and Luke want some 'couple time'" Calum says running over to us.

"Okay. Feild trip it is"



"I missed you" I say for probably the hundreth time as we walk back to the apartment.

"I missed you more" he says swinging our intertwinned fingers back and forth. "I got you somthing" he says stopping suddenly and pulling somthing from his pocket.  "This is cheesy as fuck" he tells me still struggling to get it out. I giggle and kiss his cheeck.

"I like cheesy" I tell him. He finnaly gets it out. He hands me a small black box the size of my hand. I open it and gasp staring at the small metal neclace inside. It was a silver puzzle peice. I pick it up to examine it. The back read 'We fit together like to puzzle peices Jess. We're ment to be. Forever and allways. -Luke' I smile so wide I think my face might break.

"Its amazing. I love it." I tell him.

"And look." he says reaching in his shirt to pull out on similar to mine. He grabs mine and they click together like an actuall puzzle.

"Oh my god Luke. This is the best present I've ever gotten..Thank you" I say hugging him.

"Let me help you" he says standing behnd me and placing the neclace on me.

"I'm never taking it off" I tell him staring down at it.

"I'm glad you like it" he tells me.

"Luke you could of gotten me a sock and I would have loved it" I say smiling.

"I love you Jessica" he says joning our hands again.

"And I love you"



"Ah look a wild Abby in her natural habitat" Calum says running at me. They had been playing with my camera for the past half hour.

"You guys are noobs" I tell them. They stick their tounge at me and continue filming. I was trying my hardest to go slow. I was really scared to see Michael.

"Byee!" Calum and Ashon yell before shutting of the camera.

"Your phone rang" Ashton informed me throwing my new phone at me. I had gotten an otter box, just incase. So if I ever felt like throwing my phone at a wall it would survive. "Its Jake" He adds wriggling his eyebrows.

"We're just friends" I tell them.

"Sure" Calum says skepticly.

"Look its only been a few months since me and Michael broke up and I'm not ready for a reltionship" I tell them.

"Sorry." Ashton says.

"Its fine I just- ugh. I don't no what I'm doing wrong" I tell them on the verge of tears. I didn't talk about reltionships much latley because it tended to make me cry.

"Nothing Abby. They're just dicks who don't realize how lucky they are to have you" Calum says hugging me. I nod and close my eyes trying to stop crying. Tonight would be a long night.


Aye I'm back

If you complain about your life on a social networking site I want to stab you.

I don't know about you... But this chapters twenty twooo!




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