Chapter 9

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"Of corse!" I say jumping into his arms.

"SPACE POOP" someone in the crowd shouts. I chuckle and me and Michael walk off and I see Luke and Jess walking backstage as well.

"You guys are so cuteeee" Jess says smiling.

"Thanks" I say squezing Michaels hand.

"Now lets meet our babes eh?" Jess asks.

"Yes!" I squeel. We walk forward a little and see Liam running after Harry yelling somthing about a bannana.

"Hey!" I look over and see Niall jogging towards us. Shirtless.

"Its been to long mates" he says hugging all the boys. "And you must be Abby, the girl who turned our little Mikey into a romantic" He says pinching his cheek.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you" I say shaking his hand.

"And you are?" He asks offering his hand to Jess.

"I'm Jessica" she says smiling like crazy.

"Nice to meet you" he says wrigling his eyebrows. I chuckle and walk over to stand next to Michael. A few seconds the other boys come over and we introduce themselfs.

"You guys are the girls with the funny signs" Harry says smiling.

"Yeeeah" we say blushing.

"So cheecky" Liam teases pushing Jess's shoulder. Jess bited her lip and smiles. Conceal, don't feel, don't let it show.



"What's got your panties in a twist?" I ask walking over to Luke who was pouting in the corner for the past half an hour.

"I just- ugh nothing" he says running a hand through his hair.

"Luuuukeee" I say in a sing song voice pulling on his arm. "Whhattsss wrong??"

"Jess" he whines.

"Tell meeee"

"I'm jellous" he says pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Of what?" I ask chuckling. Was someone eating all the cheese fries?

"Of you. And Niall."

"Me and Niall?" I ask still a tad confused.

"Yeah. Hes been hitting on you all night. And I know you like him more than me." he says sighing.

"That's not true. I like you. I like you a lot actually" I say grabbing his hand. 


"Yeah doofus" He smiles and grabs my face softly

"I like you too" he wispers. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah" I say smiling. He bites his lip and leans down conecting our lips.

"SO CUTE! GOING ON TWITTER" Niall shouts interupting our moment and snapping a picture. This loser.



I yawn as I scroll through twitter. Lets just say it had exploded. With Mikey calling me on stage and the pic Niall posted of Jess and Luke kissing all sainity was lost. As of right now, which happened to be 4:15 (sleeps for the weak and caffine deprived), #Juke, #Mabby, and #spacepoopsucks were trending world wide. I know I should sleep but I couldnt help but read what people thought. I've gotten hate before but I've never had a whole hashtag dedicated to how much I suck.

'Ew I have no clue why Luke would want Jessica shes not even that pretty #spacepoopsucks' I scoff and start typing a reply.

'@Lukelover Jessica is the most beautiful and amazing person I know. Do not hate on her because you are jellous she does not deserve it.' I chuckle and hit send. Hate on me all you want but hate on my friends or Ed Sheeran and I will kill you. I instantly got replys about how sweet I am and telling that bitch to shove which made me happy and kind of dulled the pain of being called ugly about a thosand times tonight. I know I should sleep, Jess went to bed an hour ago, but I couldnt help it. How can someone hate someone they don't know. I scroll through the trends again and see one I didn't see earlier. #Abbysabitch. Not this Abby? Right. I click on it and see screenshots of the tweet I sent a minute ago filling it.

'Shes so ugly'

'Ew I hate her'

'Michael can do so much better'

I feel a tear fall down my face and I feel dumb for letting people I don't even know opinions effect me. I couldn't help but cry though. I decide to go see Jess.

"Jessica" I wisper poking her foot.

"What?" She groans.

"The internet hates me" I say my voice craking. Jess sits up imidietly.

"Why are you crying?" She asks worridly. I explain to her the story and the hashtags and she sighs hugging me.

"Ignore it. Their basic ass bitches" she says causing me to chuckle. "Here I'll get me a hashtag too" I smile as Jess pulls out her phone and types somthing. "Aprove?" She asks showing me her phone. It said: 'How about you all not insult my best friend. Deffending me does not make her a bitch. Sp go ahead, calm down and eat a cupcake (Which we happen to sell and there's a sale right now so id stop by) before I fight you all.'

I smile and nod wiping my eyes. And sure enough Jess had her own hashtag. We ended up making a video reading and laughing at the hate which got pretty intense.

"Thank Jess" I say throwing my cupcake wraper away.

"For what?" She asks doing the same.

"Waking up at four am, getting a load of unnesasary hate, and being my best friend."

"No problem. I know you'd do the same" she says hugging me.

"Yeah. Well maybe not the waking up at four am part" I say. She rolls her eyes and I head to my room finnaly falling asleep.


Cute Juke and Jabby moments in dere

btw jess you gorge and id wake up at 4am for you

jk I wouldn't

maybe I would



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