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Crap! I'm going to be late! I woke up in my bed to hear the t.v. on for some reason. I turned it off and hurried into the shower. It was already 7:24 class starts at eight and I have a 45 minute walk. If I can shower and get dressed in I don't know the next two minutes maybe I'll make it.

Not even I'll still be 10 minutes late. Crap! I jumped out and instead of drying off I just got dressed. I don't have time for breakfast so I waved goodbye to Grandmother and ran down the hill. I should really invest in a bike.

I didn't stop running even when I go to the school. I took out my phone and checked the time again. 8:01. Maybe no one will notice I'm late. Hopefully? I snuck inside the building and headed for first period. I must be the luckiest guy in the world. The teacher is late.

I walked in and headed for my seat in the back of the class. The teacher came in. Thank goodness I'm not technically late. I sat and read as she started role call. Not the most exciting part of the day but it's life.

"Kioshi Jaerim?" She called.

I raised my hand without a word. Not drawing attention to myself is a gift at this point. I started to go through my bag to check if I had everything. Books, paper, binder, notebook, no gym clothes. Great, now what am I going to do.

I sunk back in my seat. Gym is after lunch, I could go home during study hall and lunch to walk home to get them. Not even it's a 45 minute walk both ways. I'll just have to get in trouble for not being in uniform. That sucks.

Homeroom, Literature, Trigonometry, and in three.....two........one study hall. One whole combined hour of freedom. This is the point in the day where I kinda just wander around. I don't belong anywhere. Most guys play baseball outside in the field unless it's cold like today. Now they just hang out in the halls, with there girlfriends.

The nerds, geeks and and other freaks have the library dominated. Then other friend groups and clubs go to the designated areas. Then there's me. The outcast of the outcasts. I just go and hide on the roof.

The only problem with that is the cold but it's great in the spring, and in the summer I take my popsicles from the cafeteria up there. I started up the stairs well and sat down on some steps halfway up. Not enough to be cold, but not close enough to anyone else who might bother me.

I put my headphones in. I don't know what I'm planning to do yet but I just want to keep busy. I started to take out my notebook and copied notes. I wasn't really paying attention in classes so my penmanship went down the drain. I started writing and checked my watch waiting for the time I could eat.

I heard footsteps and looked up to see someone coming down the steps from the roof. As he got closer I could recognize him. His name was Aki. He had signature bandages on his arm and face. No matter what he always seemed to have them on. We even have gym together.

I know what I wanted to say. As he walked down the steps. I wanted to say "Hey your not supposed to be up there." Technically it's against the rules to be on the roof but since no one goes up there I'm usually fine.

He stopped for a second and we exchanged a look. he continued walking down the steps. I watched him until he hit the first floor and went in the halls. I wonder what he was doing up there. I'm usually alone up there. I've never seen one soul up there.

I got curious so I followed him. I looked down at my watch as I went down the steps. Crap. It's time for lunch. This is a mission for another day. I went to the cafeteria and got what is classified as food. I just have to do the daily struggle of finding where to sit.

At this point it shouldn't be such a problem but it still is. Ahh, the problems of being introverted. Things like this make me hate life. Alright then, I scanned the room to find any where to sit. I can't help but listen to the things they say.

"He's weird/the mute/does he even know how to talk/I'm not letting him sit with us/I think he's disabled." The whispers that leaked into my head and whined.

They only do that when I'm still new. It won't effect me as much as I start to blend more. It happens every year. It'll stop when winter break starts. I wasn't going to find some where to sit in here so I went back to the stairwell.

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