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I was enjoying my fluffy bed, fluffy blanket. Super fluffy. Sleep is a precious thing. I'm happy that Aki isn't bothering me for once, but knowing him that won't last long.

"Mouse are you awake?" Aki asked.

"I am now." I said annoyed. I really like sleeping.

"Since you asked all the questions last night, I want to ask you some." Aki said.

"Can it wait until after breakfast?" I asked.

"Yeah. I actually wanted to wait until tonight anyway I want to show you something." Aki explained.

"Okay, I'm going to get dressed then."

I went to my dresser and got something to wear. He started to put on his own clothes. I headed to the bathroom and took a shower. I kept thinking about the way he looked last night. Less of him and more of his....thing.

I got dressed and saw Aki in the hallway. I could smell eggs cooking in the kitchen. We all ate and I said good bye to Aki. Grandmother wouldn't stop talking about what a "nice boy" he is.

I sat down in my bedroom and played some video games. Grandmother didn't bother me she read in the living room. After a while I went in and sat down next to her.

"Grandmother, tell me who I look like." I asked.

She put down her book and looked at me. She studied me like she always did. It was apart of the game we played.

"Your nose is from your father, my son. He was so handsome. Your green eyes are from your mother, her eyes were like emeralds shining bright. You get your dirty blonde hair from me. And your quietness from your Grandfather. But don't underestimate your strength you get that from him too." She said.

"Thank you Grandmother, I needed that." I said.

"Why did you need it? I haven't told you that stuff in months."

"I don't know, I just needed it. Thank you." I said.

I went back to my room and my phone rang. It was Aki.

Aki: met me at my place at 7 🐁

"Grandmother, I'm leaving."

"Be back before midnight." She said.

I left the house and started on my walk. I was worried about what he would ask. I wonder what we were going to do. When I saw him he was waiting outside the complex.

He grabbed my arm and led me on a walk. I don't have much choice other than to follow him. He was more or less dragging me. We stopped outside of a bowling alley. He rented shoes for the both of us and some nachos to share. We picked out balls and he set out up the board. He put in Aki and Mouse.

"First question: How long have you been a mute?" He asked as he started the game.

"I'm not a mute. I'm talking to you aren't I? I just have trouble making friends so at an early age I convinced myself I didn't need them. An happy side effect was that I didn't have to talk much." I explained.

He rolled a 5/10 spilt but some how picked it up with a spare.

"Have you always lived with your Grandmother?"

"As long as I can remember." I said.

It was my turn. I almost rolled strike, but pin 4 was still sanding.

"Why'd you come sit with me at lunch that day?"

"I wanted to ask you some of the questions I had last night but I was scared so I didn't." I admitted.

Aki derailed me so I missed.

"Here's a good one. Why don't you think you need friends?"

It was his turn. He took forever to roll and when he did it was a gutter ball. I almost laughed.

"I didn't want to worry about anyone else's thoughts or feelings. I didn't want to worry about making sure someone else is safe and okay if I can't even do that for myself most of the time."

He missed four pins. My turn again.

"You really do need someone to protect you." Aki said.

I guess I do. I rolled and I got a 7/10 spilt.

"Is there anything else you want to know?" I asked.

I missed.

"Not at the moment. Have you eaten? That's about it." He said.

"No, I haven't."

I sat down next to him and he offered the nachos. I let him talk most of the the night.

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