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I texted him all day Sunday but he never responded. I waited for him to come to school, when he saw me he just walked past. I'm worried about him. I keep trying to figure out what I did wrong.

At lunch Aki sat down with some girls instead of the table we usually sit. I can't stand it any longer! If he doesn't want me anymore why can't be just tell me! Anything is better then being shut out!

When he turned his head in my direction, he looked right through me. It was like I wasn't even there. I didn't know how much I liked having him around until now.

I took my backpack and I walked out of the school building. I can't go home. I won't go anywhere near the school. I just walked and didn't stop. I could feel tears rolling down my face. I wiped them with my sleeve.

I ended up collapsing at a playground. I sat on the swing set. I feel like I came here before I just don't remember when. It's in a neighborhood I don't recognize at all.

The tears never stopped. It was cold and I wish I'd worn more of a jacket. I was stuck here and completely alone. At least that's what I thought.

"Hey!" Someone called.

I looked up. I wiped my eyes again so whoever it was wasn't blurry.

"You walk really fast!" He said.

I recognized him from school. We have the same homeroom. He was tall and had black hair his eyes were blue. I did my best to stop crying and I froze up. I'm still new to this human interaction thing.

"Your Aki's friend right?" He asked.

I shrugged. I don't know what we are. He tries to sleep with me, then kicks me out, and now he won't even talk to me.

"You used to hang out with Aki right?" He asked again.

I nodded. Used to.

"What's your name anyway?" He asked.

"Kioshi." I said in a shaky voice.

"I'm Hikaru. Now that we're introduced why'd you run off?" Hikaru asked.

"Why'd you follow me?" I retorted.

"Answer my question first."

"Can't you tell? I'm upset. I couldn't be there any longer." I said, kicking dirt. I wiped away more tears at the thought of Aki.

"I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the social hierarchy. You became interesting when you started to hang out with Aki." Hikaru said.

I looked at him side ways.

"The truth is that I think it sucks that your alone with no one to talk to about your problems." He said.

"I don't talk much." I said. That may not be entirely true anymore. Aki really pushed me out of my comfort zone with that, and other things.

"I figured that much. We have homeroom together and the only person I've seen you talk to is Aki Kim." He said.

I looked down and let more tears roll down my face. Aki was my first friend. Now he's just given up on me.

"We should get back to the other side of town. If you want you can tell me why your crying." Hikaru said.

He stood up then helped me up. He wiped my tears and put an arm around me. I didn't mind it I was cold anyway. This would be a long walk. He seems trust worthy enough.

"It all started on Saturday night....." I started.

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