Chapter 12: I Miss You

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The class was as quiet as a field with everyone looking at your brother.

You can tell he was scared at what they reaction may be but he was never ready when they gave it.

Everyone suddenly burst into fits of laughter.

You turn to them trying to speak up. "E-Everyone.. Please you don't have to laugh..." you say with a weak smile.

"Hey, hey. Midori-chan, you ain't gonna go to U.A too are you?" Your classmate next to you asked teasingly nudging your shoulder.

"That would be hilarious!" Another spoke. "Both quirkless are gonna go to a prestigious school like UA?"

You trembled a little with their attention on you holding the tears as others chat on. "N-No..! I am not going to U.A. I-I am going to a different school." You try to ease.

"Yeah yeah, see Midoriya? Go to a different school like your twin! Cause you can't get into the hero course by just studying!"

Izuku stood up trying to speak in his defense "T-They got rid that rule! There's just no precedent.."

Without warning Katsuki pounced and exploded Izuku desk knocking him down. Making you stand up in alarm with worry for your brother.

"Hey, Deku" Katsuki grinned darkly as the said boy flinched.

"You're below the rejects, you're quirkless!" He barked "How can you even stand in the same ring as me!?"

"N-No, wait, Kacchan!" Izuku stuttered backing against the wall.

"Its not like I am trying compete with you or anything! Believe me!" You watched with worry as the boy fidgeted.

"Its just that its been my goal since I was little. And well... I don't know unless I try.." Izuku says but his words only fueled Katsuki more.

"Waddaya mean unless you try!? Are you taking the test for fun!? What the hell can you do!? You're Quirkless!"

You clenched your fist as they spoke. A deep frown was plastered on your face. 'Its true, we couldn't do anything... I accepted that long.. I didn't want to tell Kukun to stop believing and just give up, but it hurts to much to watch..'


As lunch time hit, you quickly rushed to your brother who still looked down.

"Kukun..! Are you alright..!?" You panicked hurriedly checking if he were fine.

"(Y/N)... I'm sorry to worry you... I looked so uncool, didn't I?" Gently Izuku petted your head with a sad smile.

"Eh? Why would you think that? Kukun is always cool..! No matter what!" You cried out tears falling down like how your mother would when she would worry for you both.

"Hey its okay..!" Izuku says rubbing your shoulders comfortingly slightly bending down to meet with your eyes.

"I'm okay! And also, how about we go order your favorite? I will pay." Your brother grinned making you give off a small sweet smile of your own.

Well, despite your roles having a little switch. They do return back when you get overly stressed and worried for your brother.


Unknown to you was that Katsuki was close by and was glaring at the male with green hair that was being dragged away by the female with green tuffs and a blue ribbon tied to her hair.

'A young greenete stared innocently and worriedly at the beaten blonde.

"Nekochi are you okay!?" She asked helping him up.

"Of course I am! Those jerks deserve it anyway!" The young Katsuki confidently say.

"But you got hurt..." (Y/N) trailed her eyes already showed that she was crying with worry.

With a straight face Katsuki lightly tugged on your hair making you whine in pain. "You underestimate me Buns, I am strong you don't have to worry."

"B-But no matter what I will always worry for you..." The girl smiled making the boy pull on her hair more.

"O-Ow!". '

Katsuki's eyes sharpen at the sight of the two till the said female turned back and met eyes with him, immediately he turned away as if he wasn't paying attention.


Walking down the corridor with a stalk of books in your arms. You headed towards the teachers office.

Why were you carrying those books when they are obviously heavy to you?

Well, its the norm, for your classmates. You are still a quirkless and what the students would say 'Your a quirkless, so you are not gonna be going on dangerous stuffs that people with quirk are needed, you should just help us, cause that's all you're usefull for.'

Though in the end you knew you couldn't stick up for yourself because of what? Lack of confidence? The lack of a quirk?

You forgot the reason why you gave in, but you did.

And you made it sure that Izuku had no idea of such thing.

Walking by you bumped into someone making the book topple over.

"Oh no..! I am so sorry!" You bowed repeatedly hoping the person won't be so mad.

"Why the heck are you carrying these junk?" You blinked hearing a familiar voice.

"Nekochi—Ah, I mean Kacchan—I mean! Bakugo-san..?" You fidgeted as Katsuki looked down at you with a hard gaze.

It has been so long since he approached you in anyway. But after he caught you being teased by some students one time, he was starting to pop up everywhere when you need help but can't say.

Awkwardly you start to pick up the books when he grabbed on to your hand.

"Where are you taking these?" He asked surprising you.

"I-Its okay I can carry—" Before you can continue he stopped you again.

"I said, 'where are you taking these?'. " Katsuki looked at you seriously making you flinch.

"To the faculty." You say softly.

Without another word he then picked up the rest and began to walk leaving you with the smaller portion.

"Well? Hurry up!" He yelled making you qickly walk after him.

"Thank you, Bakugo-san.."

"Nekochi.." Katsuki lightly whispered making you look at him in surprise


"I won't repeat again, idiot!" He yelled turning his face away to hide the light blush.

Nonetheless you giggled at that and you both continued to walk on.

Oh how you missed you best friend, though you know he has terrorized your brother, you had to admit you missed those times when you had someone who can support you in your time of need when your brother can't.

"I missed you.... Nekochi. " you shyly whispered before hurrying into the faculty, leaving the blonde at the halls in shock.

Sorry if it were different from the others, because this chapter and the last where actually drafts from before I published the book.

And I liked it so I had to use them somehow.

And yeah I am bringing Katsuki back in. Though this is the start where others are joining in.

But to help if you want to see some other ships aside from the ones I will start with or haven't just place them here and I will fit some fluffy moments of those ships in the book.

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