Chapter 20: Tears

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The fire subtle down and the hostages are safe. After dealing with the news reporters and finished with checking the area of the building one more. Toshinori turned to you.

Meanwhile you were sitting down by the ambulance wrapped in a blanket.

Sustaining little injuries the paramedics asked you to stay there first while they deal with any other injuries from the other hostages

Still in his buff form, Toshinori walked to you, the other reason he went there in the first place with such haste.

He knelt before you and looked into your dull eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked slowly.

Looking at him properly you only nodded in a stiff manner. "Did..." Toshinori leaned his ear closer to listen properly.

"H-Have.. You found my Sensei's body..?" You asked with a little glimmer of hope on seeing your sensei before you say goodbye forever.

Pain flashes in his for a sec before he placed a hand on your head. "I'm sorry...." He says.

Disappointment and grief filled you as your eyes start to water again. Sobs racked your body with All Might there to somewhat comfort you as much as he can.

You were so close with your sensei, you almost thought you both would have been partners for life.

You just weren't ready yet. But the plan has been activated and this was only the beginning.


Looking down at the tombstone of your sensei you couldn't help but let the tears fall once again.

Your mother who came with you for emotional support rubs circles on your back.

It was a damp afternoon but felt so much sadder than it actually is.

No one else came aside from you two. It was like you were the only one who knew him.

You just couldn't handle loosing him so soon. After 3 years of all mayhem and laughter, you always thought the story of your friendship would have a bittersweet ending.

But the maker has their own plans and gave a rushed ending as if having no intention of mourning over a simple character they created.

"It'll be okay, sweety..." Your mother whispered hugging you gently.

You hugged her back feeling her warmth made you in a somewhat calmer state than what you were in past time.

Despite all this, all the comfort you were given by the other hostages upon hearing the death of your sensei, All Might giving a shoulder for you to mourn, and your mother trying to soothe all the pain.

It still wasn't enough.

'Where is Kukun?' You wondered desperately looking around. 'I need him...'


"Aaaarrgggghh!!" Izuku yell a battle cry as he dragged another chunk of garbage to the truck.

Toshinori, in his usual form looked at the boy who went to grab another piece. "Midoriya, my boy..."

"H-Huh? Y-Yes, All Might?" The boy paused looking over your his mentor.

"You are not going to the graveyard?" He asked but Izuku tilted his head in confusion.

"Your sister lost her sensei, remember? She needs some emotional support.." Finally remembering Izuku panicked.

"Ah! I can't believe I forgot..!" Izuku yelled in disbelief.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go..!" Toshinori told him.

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