Chapter 43: Hospital Suprise

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"And then he doesn't even try to use his fire against me!! Now I am champion— for what!? I didn't win it the way I wanted it to be won!" You rub your face with annoyance as Katsuki screamed through your phone early inn the morning.

You thought to yourself 'No wonder I got a good night sleep last night...' sighing you stopped Katsuki from his rant.

"What is about this that made you so mad?"

"That bastard didn't even try! He just gave up so quickly —and he gave Deku a beating!" Katsuki fumed.

"Well what did you say to him? Maybe it was something personal that made him have conflicting thoughts..." You try to reason  but the boy on the other side growled loudly. "I don't care with his personal life! I told him to use his fire on me!"

"Katsuki you can't just expect him to do so even if your yelled at him or try to threaten him... Did he really affect you this much that they had to chain you to a pole and even put a muzzle over your mouth? I was almost worried that you would bite off All Might's hand..."

"Shut up..! It was the half and half's fault —it was Deku's fault that he even tried to butt in his private life! Shit...! He was no longer the little peppble in my way, he like a fucking boulder!" Katsuki ranted making your eyes narrow in gloom at that.

"Yeah... He has miraculous grew up during the year, hasn't he?"

Hearing the sorrow in your tone he quiet down to listen but your end of the line was also quiet. After a few seconds you spoke up.

"Huh? Katsuki when did you stop talking?" the blonde gained an irk mark hearing how surprise you were when you didn't notice him stop talking, which begs the question...

"How much have you been listening!?"


"BUNS..!" He barked in a warning tone.

"Uh.. oh look at the time..! I gotta go to work, bye Nekochi!" Before Katsuki can say any more you ended your call with him and left the guy with that  beeping noise that you would here from an end call or a busy line.

He froze in shock and looked at his phone before he clenched against it. "BUNNNNSSS!!!"


"He is so gonna kill me..." You nervously laughed to yourself as you walked to the building with your mind occupied with thoughts of thee guy plotting his revenge.

'That must be why he didn't join his friends to the mall...' you thought reminiscing yesterday's event when he told you he is gonna hang out  with friends.

"What?" You looked at him in surprise as your twin scratched the back of his head.

"I am gonna hang out with some friends... so i-is there uh.. anything you want me to buy?" The boy fumbled with his hands looking at you  nervously.

Raising a brow at his worrisome face you sighed amused looking down at your phone. "I guess my favorite food will do. Anyways are there any girls that are gonna be with you?" You ask looking at him teasingly.

Blinking in surprise Izuku eruped into a red mess as he jumble around with both his words and his hands, even when his phone started to ring silently he jumped at the vibrate.

You laughed at him as he turned to you holding on to his phone as if he was a guilty child for takig candy. "What's with that look? I was asking if any of your female classmates are going to, I was gonna thank Yaoyorozu-san for the things last time..!" You say giving him a teasing grin. "What did you think I was talking about?"

"I-I uh... I... Bye sis!"

"Hehee.. Bye hotshot!" That made the male blushh more before accidentally running face first  to the door.

'That was hilarious'  you giggled to yourself. 'I wonder how his hang out is doing....'.



"Midoriya-san, are you alright?" A towering male with dark hair and glasses asked worried which was accompanied by a brunette as Izuku waved in dismissavely.

"It's okay, my nose just caught some dust." He assured.

"Oh, Midoriya-san that reminded me, how is your sister?" a dark haired female named Yaoyorozu asked daintily with her features filling with concern.

"(Y/N)? She is doing fine! She is on a day off from her—" Realization struck him as he accidentally bit his tongue in the process. "A-Are you okay, Deku??" The brown haired girl named Uraraka flinched at his yelp.

"F-Fine..!" Izuku squeaks 'I forgot, (Y/N) had told me not to mention the fact she is an underaged worker or even maybe a potential owner to a company unless she does it first..!!' the boy nervously sweat as he urged his classmates to forget the statement he did not finished.

Good thing his classmates, Kaminari and Minoru were able to redirect their attention which allowed a sigh of relief to leave his lungs. 'That was close....'.


"Goodness, can't I get a break from that guy..?" You groaned tiredly as one of your employees has announced to you that one of your subordinates—Gensui—was sent to a hospital since someone had experienced him hitting his head with a flying object from a near villain attack and almost blew his civilian cover with his mentally-ill nature.

"I swear I am putting him in one of the padded rooms here myself...." You grumbled to yourself making your way to the hospital to get him checked out.

It was in a different city and normally you get someone else to do it, but you wanted to get him yourself so you finally get some sense in his brain for the last time. You were told he was honestly more preserved when he served your sensei. Why can't he do the same with you? Oh how you wish too know the answer for that...

Walking up to the counter you gave a smile to receptionist askig for your failure of a butler, hiding the growing malice you are feeling as you patienntly, impatiently waited for him.

"Ms. Midori, he is on his way."

"Oh, thank you very much!" You say before walking to one of the chairs to wait for Gensui to arrive.

With only your tapping fingures and the sound of the distant clock just above you echo, you almost felt at peace despite being in a hospital. Until it was interupted— for once not by Gensui.

"(Y/N)..." Oh but how you wish it was him. Your head turned towards the owner of the voice, who's eyes gaze softly at your's with hints of guilt, relief and other emotions swirling in the dual colored iris.

"Shōto..." Your voice toned down to a whisper as he approach. Now standing right before you his expression soften even more.

"I want to talk to you..."

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