Chapter 18: Tragedy Struck

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Ending the call the gloves man looked at the tied brunette with a suspicious look. "Zappie Tool'?" The man questioned.

"I-Its so that they will take longer, they have to find the tool f-first..!" Sāji nervously explained making the ma scowl.

"I've been told about you Ha Kurokku..." Growling the man stalked forward placing the cell in his pocket.

"And I was told you are very dangerous to have as an enemy.." He continued.

"So what is your plan with me then?" Sāji carelessly asked.

"I have been asked to get you to recruit into the Yon division..." He told the brunette who scoffed mockingly.

"You think that doing this will get me to recruit?"

"You will recruit either way, you have rejected many others-"

"And you want me to forcibly join your division just so that I won't be able to join the others?" Sāji laughed making the man growl.

"Don't mock me you old bastard!" He roared at the man who smirked at him.

"You are the one mocking yourself, you think that tying me up and threatening me will get me to join your division? I have like 15 threats in every 5 hours from many divisions." Sāji teasingly say. "Your threat alone is like a fly compared to the horde I receive everyday."

Like fire Sāji's mock angered the man who tried to hold back as much as he could.

"Your an amateur aren't you?" Sāji asked. "You were told to recruit me but not kill me.. Pretty sad that they made you take the role as errand boy."

Finally hitting a sensitive spot the man pulled his fist back. "They never said I can't beat you piece of shit!!!".

Before his fist could even harm the older man, Sāji's green orbs flashed gold and a faint image of a clock appeared on his arm and he was thrown back with strong force.

He coughed roughly falling to the ground leaving a large dentist in the wall opposite to Sāji.

"W... W-What...?" The man groaned in pain as he freed himself.

"They really are growing tired, they didn't even send one of their elites..." Sāji spoke almost disappointed dusting himself.

"You are really not much of a threat, you know?" Sāji shrugged his shoulders fixing his clothes. "If you would have known about my quirk you would have been more careful of your actions."

The man struggled to his feet when another image of a clock appeared before him and he was smashed to the ground.

"Why don't go back and tell the others that they already know my answer..."

With fear the unknown man dashed away leaving Sāji alone on the floor, or is he?

"Wow he really is an amateur...." With a happy smile Sāji turned to see you standing at the fire exit with a somewhat worried look.

"Thanks for coming all the way here, Midori!" He piped hugging the green fondly.

"Well, it was quite odd for you to use the word pickle.." You giggled.

"Do you have it?" He asked making you nod in reply and handed him the device. "Did he really just put the phone in his pocket?" You asked curiously. The man cheekily laugh.

"And he doesn't even realize." Both of you looked at your phone in your hand that revealed to have a feature of a receiver for the tracker inside Sāji's cell.


The man dashed through the alleyways hunting in exhaustion holding his arm in pain before stopping in front of two individuals who were just walking his way.

"What happened?" Asked one of the men who seemed to be in a higher position between the three.

"He... Escaped..." The injured man muttered.

"What did you do!? I was supposed to speak with him! Not you!" The leader of the group roared at the man who looked down in shame.

"He now knows we are after him..." The third man in the group slowly spoke in alarm.

"He... He also said that we already know the answer..." The injured man told them.

"Well this was a waste.." The leader sighed.

"Well, what are we gonna say to the commander?" The third spoke disappointedly leaving the other two to ponder.

"Oh I have this..!" The injured man took out Sāji's cellphone alarming the leader.

"You idiot!" He yelled. "Have you forgotten what I have warned you!?"


"Never bring any device of form that belong to Kurokku!"



"It'll be very easy to find you!" Sāji's voice echoed as a loud cackling sound came straight in between the group from the sky.

Screams were heard as electricity flashed shocking the three metaphorically and physically. While also alerting people who noticed the flash.

"You are a bit scary Kinzoku-sensei..." You sweatdrop making the man chuckle.

"Don't worry about that, kid, cause you have much to learn.." Sāji ruffled your hair before placed a hand behind your back urging you away from the scene.

"Now let's get away before the police arrives..." He nervous say already hearing the distant police sirens.


"I never knew you had such a strong quirk, sensei..." You spoke as you to walked down the street.

"Well its not really one to be so proud of.." The man nervously chuckled scratching the back of his neck.

"I wish I have a quirk..."

Hearing that Sāji stopped making you stop asking well. He placed his hands on your shoulder and looked at you with a soft look. "(Y/N)..." He started slowly.

"Having a quirk, especially a strong one, comes with a lot of responsibilities and expectations... The responsibility of how you use your quirk, the expectations to know how to use them well... All of these pressure comes once a quirk develops..."

Sāji explained to you. "A quirk can be very dangerous... It can also be painful to have... So, despite what people say, just be lucky you don't have to bear that burden.." Nodding in understanding you smiled at him.

"If you say so, Sensei!"

With a proud grin he placed his hands on his hips. "Now why not let's have dinner at your favorite restaurant?"

You cheered happily as he did with a large smile.

"But, before that I need to tell you something.."

"Okay..?" You tilted your head as he did.


Sāji gave you a proud smile that held pain and sadness as your eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

His body fell against you making you fall on your end, holding his shoulders unable to process what happened. Tears stream endlessly down your cheek as you watch his eyes dull till he finally closed them.

You noticed a shadow loom over you making you look up. And a villain stood before you with a mask that hid their face.


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