Help Wanted! Cover for New Story!

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Hey guys! This is unrelated to the book, sorry! I will delete this when the contest is over-- but I need a little help!

You all know I like to draw but making book covers are still out of my skill range that I am still working on. And so! I decided to make a contest! People who know how to make book covers or who want to showcase their talents can try here!

I am making a story of an original How to Train Your Dragon parody/fanmade epilogue and I need a cover, but with my lack of time to make one myself and without the idea of how I wanna turn to you guys for a little help.

Despite we sack potatoes being one united force for shyness and self-consciousness, this is a chance to show ourselves to the world what we can do! So who is with me brothers!?--Sisters!? --fellow Potatoes in heart and body!?

If you wanna join the contest then here are a few things you have to know;

If you wanna join the contest then here are a few things you have to know;

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The dragon in the photo is you can guess the nightlight with blue eyes

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The dragon in the photo is you can guess the nightlight with blue eyes. My thought of his demeanor would be cool-collected and maybe arrogant-like, but obviously that the reader will make friends with him so he would probably have a soft side for the reader.

The reader is the daughter of Hiccup and Astrid, so I imagine, some light brown hair and green eyes and then a face kinda similar to her mom's while she has a slim body like her dad but with feminine features.

The second image is her full body sketch, the changes to her strap in the other picture are permanent as well as the nightfury emblem on the chest.

As I said, the image I showed you is still a draft and I am just putting the color pallet. You can remake the structure of the cover if you want.

Seeing this, are you still up for the task to make the cover? I don't wanna stress you, this is a book I was excited about making and I hope you guys can help.

The contest will end by the 20th-30th of December. That's when I will start collecting the images and by 31st or by next year the winner will be announced.

Despite my excitement to have people showcase their art, I gotta remind myself it's not for everybody so If you don't wanna join it's alright I'll try not to get my hopes up, but to those who will participate you have my many thanks! There will be some form of consolation for people who tried but didn't win, so look out for that!

Edit: Guess I was a little vague in info. The main setting is New Berk, but the characters I wanted shown are the two. You don't have to draw them like the one I drew, like I said, you can redraw them as you see fit but the design of the character remains constant. Also the nightlight is incomplete your refer to the original.

For those who can only draw traditionally, a least you can lay the ground work and I can digitalize them.

For those who can do digital art please do cause they will be used as the BOOK COVER.

The title is still under decision making, I will reveal it when I make a satisfying title but for now just substitute it with 'Title: Subtitle'

Thanks to those who are gonna participate! I really appreciate it!

Send you finished layouts here:

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