Chapter 17: Not Good

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With a tired sigh you sat back and stretched.

"What'cha doin, Midori?" Sāji asked peaking over your shoulder to see the next project you were working on.

"Just finishing up with this.. Hey, when is the client gonna arrive?" You asked making the older man scratch his chin.

"I dunno... He rarely communicate all he said is somewhere this week..!" Shrugging Sāji walked off into his private workshop closing the door behind him.

You humming in curiosity you stood u and slowly walked to the door.

Just inches from touching the knob you stopped yourself and pulled back. 'No I shouldn't.. He must be busy right now...'. You thought to yourself and turned to walk to the main room.

But just as you opened the closed the door behind you, you heard the special door chime making you freeze.

In truth, you weren't allowed to be out when your sensei's private clients come. He never told you why but he says so, so if he ever were tangled up in a troubling situation,you won't get involved.

But darn it, you wanna know who his private clients are! Who does he really work for? Cause, for the record. People barely knew this place even exist!

Your mom didn't know until you told her, none of the elders who live nearby knows this was a repair shop and people barely comes and yet he still has a lot of tasks and projects that are still ongoing.

'Alright, I am being risky but I wanna satisfy this curiosity!' And with that you turned to meet the eyes of the unknown individual.



"And you finally saw one of my private clients..." Sāji scratched the back of his neck.

The same person had a blank look while you were trembling scarred for life. "I was just surprised...with the lack of a nose..." You stuttered trying to calm yourself down.

"Just breathe kiddo, just breathe.." Your teacher tried to ease.

The man simply sighed catching both of your attention. "And here I was trying to lay low... How careless of you, Sāji..." The man muttered making the brown hair individual gain a tick mark.

"Excuse me? How is that my fault, Chi? I just got your message that said you will be coming some where this week, if I had known you were coming today, I would have kept the kid distracted." Sāji huffed at the man who rolled his eyes.

"Its nice to see you again, old friend.." Said the man.

With a lopsided grin Sāji nudged his shoulder playfully. "You too, Chizome.."


"That was so not expected..." You huff tiredly as you took off your shoes and walked in home.

"I'm home!" You say.

"Oh, (Y/N)!" You mom greeted you at the kitchen fixing up dinner. Looking around the combined rooms your found a lacking greenhead.

"Where's Kukun?"

"Oh, Izuku is in his room. Tell him dinner is almost ready...!" With a nod you walked down the corridor to his room.

"Hey Kukun..! You-Look terrible..!" You jumped back watching him studying at his table.

"Oh.. Hi (Y/N)..!" Izuku happily greeted.

You felt your eye twitch a little before composing yourself. "Eh, Kukun..." You spoke slowly. "Don't you think you are overdoing it?" You say.

You are not gonna state the fact of how many times you caught him leaving so early and not to mention those times when he was in class exhausted.

You were really worried for him.

"No, I have to work much more harder than everyone else." He spoke with a determined look.

But your expression was entirely opposite of how he was feeling. "Aren't you happy with what you have and who you are?" You asked making him look at you.

He looked at you with a shocked look not having an answer to your question. "Kukun... You are so mean... Can't you see you are making me and mom worried?" He didn't say a word.

You sighed and turned away. "Dinner is almost ready.." Was all you told him before leaving the room.

"Idiot, big brother.."


Time passed without you or your brother speaking, the lack of an answer made it harder for you to even approach him.

On his part, though, his schedule changed a tad bit easing you. But he was more into it than ever.

"And a warning to all nearby residence of the increasing amount of villain sightings. Please be mindful of your surroundings.."

You sighed watching the news on Tv. Your mom, who was cleaning behind you, nervously looked at the Tv. "Oh dear... I hope Izuku will be doing alright.." She mutter.

"I am sure he is fine mom..." You try to tell her but she suddenly broke down to tears probably thinking of the possible dangers he may stumble upon.

"M-Mom calm down..!" You panicked trying to take care of her.

Of course it would be very difficult to calm your mother when she does like this, literally she would empty out at least 10 boxes of tissues before she could calm down.

And when you did, she finally sat down happily with a cup of tea and a blanket draped over her shoulders.

Checking the time you realized you were starting to be late.

"Oh no, I am so dead..!" You panicked quickly getting your bag.

"(Y/N)?" Inko looked at you in surprise watching you pace around.

"Sorry, mom I gotta go, Kinzoku-sensei hates it when I am late..!" With out another word you left the apartment.

Quickly you whipped out your phone and dialed his number.

The phone rang and rang till it was finally answered. "H-Hi sensei! Uh.. Sorry I am running late, I will be at the shop soon-"

"Ah, No..!" Your teacher suddenly bursted out making you slightly stop in confusion.

"I-I am in a bit of a pickle, with some work and I need some help fixing it.." He says.

"Oh okay! Where are you?" You asked excitedly.

"I-I'll text to you, don't forget to bring that 'Zappie tool', you like to call it."

"Okay!" You chirped before you heard the call end immediately right after.

That was when your grin fall and a shadow loom over your face looking at the text. "Whoever this person is, they are pretty bad at hiding things... Now where did I last place that Electric Discharge Gun?"

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