Author's Message #6: The Future of The Second Midoriya

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Hello, hello!

Hey everyone, guess you read the last part of the previous chapter... Well... You see...

I am not sure if I want to continue this book.

Kidding! I just wanted to tell you that the Todoroki book is ready to be published! I know that I said before that I will do it when I finished one of these two books of min but I so wanted to make it!

You see, I know many of you tell me that I write my stories nicely and that I am good. But I have a trait that is not just my strength but is also my weakness. I like to put many characters and that I wanted my story to be cryptic and sometimes have mysteries. But mostly..!

I don't plan ahead!


ou see, how I first think about a story is when I watch something, like for example an anime, and then a scenario plays in my head. Then it continued, again and again, building a plot in my head. But that's where everything went wrong.

I always think ahead, that I forgot to think for the beginning and once I do and go from there. It always takes a drastic change from the original plan I had.

And I know what you guys are saying: ''Then try to find to plan Author-chan."

I had, for this book, but I could never stick to it. This was a book for bnha, and yet the reader barely interacts with any other character! If some of you have already noticed. That is what I am frustrated about.

So with a heavy heart, I decided to end the book in season 3. And actually, season 4 has more potential for the reader to be wrapped up in it.

But I decided to end the story in a cliff hanger... This time I am serious.

Maybe... Not entirely sure, could be longer.

I probably should have done one-shots... Oh well. And the discussion is left to you guys. with all the OC's and the responsibility... and the half explained pieces of stuff... Oh geez, this would have been enough to be an original novel. But I made it as a fanfic... poop.

Feeling down lately... I've been wanting to draw and animate, but I couldn't find the time...

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