Chapter 39: Katsuki's Soft Spot

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[With Katsuki ; Earlier]

"How are you doing?" Katsuki asked as you two lean against the wall at one of a secluded entrance that over look the ground.

"Don't know anymore..." You sighed softly not even having the courage to look into his red eyes.

"That piece of.."

"Katsuki.." Katsuki stopped his insult and quickly looked over to you. "Can.. You do me a small favor...?" You shyly asked.

"What is it?"

Hearing his response you but your lip before opening it again. "Can you look —Never mind." You turned and scurried away.


Katsuki ran after you and grabbed your wrist halting you in your place. "Tell me already don't think can't fucking what you wanted me to do."

"That is the thing! What I wanted to ask from you I too selfish!" You argued trying to pull your arm away but the blonde wouldn't have it. Unless you tell him, there is no way he is letting go.

In defeat you sighed and finally decided to face him but still didn't made eye contact. "I.... wanted to ask.. if you could look out for.... Izuku.." You wheezed out.

And just as you expected Katsuki was immediately quiet.

"You don't have to baby him!" You quickly added "or even go easy on him... Just.. Keep him from doing anything too stupid.." You already doubted Katsuki would be calm now but still you leaned closer to him.

With gentle hands you cupped the hand that held your waist and placed it against your forehead.

"I know this is too selfish to even ask of you.. My brother is practically a rival to you and just because you know me doesn't mean you can take favors this big, but..." Your voice cracked as you spoke all the memories of how distant you and your brother became, the fact that he may just disappear and you'd be the last to know about it scared you to death.

"What I even doing..? Your match is up next and I should be here wishing you good luck, not asking you favors..!" You scolded yourself pulling away from the blonde angry at yourself.

"Not only am I selfish but I am also inconsiderate!" You sighed in frustration pulling away. "I'm so sorry Katsuki.. I shouldn't have even tried, so stupid of me —ack!"

You flinched when Katsuki mushed your cheeks with his hands as he look into your eyes seriously.

"Stop it's fucking annoying.." He grumbled making you confused.

"Whut dwo you mwean?" You ask holding on to his hands. With an annoyed look on his face Katsuki mushed your cheeks even more making your squirm.


"One, don't hesitate to ask me whatever the shit you wanted to say. Two, don't you dare insult yourself in my presence. And three, since when did you stop calling me Nekochi?" He bellowed at the last part.

"O-Oh... I thought you wouldn't want me to call you that anymore... Cause it was a nickname I gave you when we were kids..."

"Who told you that?" Katsuki asked making you flinch as he saw through you.

With embarrassment evident in your eyes you looked away from him "I may have heard from some people of how ridiculous it sound, my childhood name for you that is, and well I didn't want it to trouble you. You have a reputation and all that stuff..." You told him.

Katsuki stayed quite before squeezing your cheeks again."O-Ouch! Hey!"

"Okay, one, I'll do it. Two, quit being so hesitant on asking me things. And three, don't stop calling me that." Hearing that you looked at him in surprise. "Wait, really?"

"Of fucking course! You gave me that name, you better keep calling me that, and only you ever will." Releasing you Karsuki stared at you with hell bent serious eyes.

Blushing madly you bashfully turned away hiding your bright red face. Seeing this Katsuki smirk feeling a bit of nostalgia from the old days when it was just the two of you.

"Thank you, Katsuki, good luck in your upcoming match..." you smiled at him before bidding farewell.

Katsuki watch you depart with angry eyes as he stared at the recent injury that haunted him in the back of his mind. The ice that had injured you more than the one who was responsible, knew...


The shock of finding out he went to the wrong waiting room shocked him, the fact that Shōto was in the waiting was only unfortunate.

With the anger he had been holding back since earlier that day hard to control, Katsuki was only able to control himself for so long so he can let it all out during the match.

The blonde glared angrily at the male before him who not only ignored him, his understanding when Shōto shrugged him off, but also mention about Izuku in front of him.

wanting the actual fight to be in the field Katsuki let out his anger on the table Shoto sat at, the table flipped over suprising Shōto.

"That damn nerd... who cares about him!? Seriously, who the hell cares...? Your family circumstances, and your feelings... I don't care about that stuff! Just use the fire on your left on me, too!" Katsuki yelled stomping his way to the door.

"Don't you dare just use the same ice you had injured (Y/N) with!" At those words Shōto's eyes flailed towards the angry blonde before calming down.

"It was only ice." He argued feeling oddly angry that Katsuki knew you and about the incident, but what's odd is that he is only mad at Katsuki.

Though it was only because Shōto was unaware led him to say those words, Katsuk just couldn't let it pass.

"That idiot is sick!!" he roared turning to the stoic male "And what you did only added to her pain!!"

The sound of the door slamming echoed in the quiet room, and Shōto could only stare with troubled eyes as he now glanced over to his right hand with guilt weighing his shoulders.

'First with my right, now with my left? How many times must I keep hurting the people I truly care about?'

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