A big Problem

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(I love Nightcore Zodiac music check out the channel on YouTube)

Ryan P.O.V

Harris showed us a picture of the girl's system but almost half their blood was green

"Harris what is that"I asked

"Give me a sec"he told us while checking his computer

"Found it, this stuff is called Molariss it's an chemical that will adulterate the girls capability so they'll feel enfeeble,

I didn't understand a single thing he said

"So you mean they have cancer?"Spyder asked,

"What?! They don't have cancer!" I yelled at spyder,

"They don't have cancer right?" I said turning to Harris

"No. It means that this substance will make them weak at times"Harris rephrased

"But how did it get in them?"I asked Harris with an look of fear,

"We'll have to ask them when they wake up"Harris said while walking away

I sat down on the couch in the robot while thinking

I can't wait, (Y/N) might be dying and I can't do anything about it

"Please wake up (Y/N)"I said to myself

Your P.O.V

I felt pain everywhere all I saw was darkness I tried to wake up but I couldn't. Am I dead?

I turned around and saw an memory I could never forget


"Uncle what are you drawing" 10 year old me asked

"(N/N) I'm drawing a robot"

"Can I name your robot uncle"

"Sure although I had one but go ahead"

I thought"Oh what about MechX4"

"It's perfect (N/N), better than naming it the botmobile"

"I've already built it and thanks to your help it'll be perfect, tomorrow I'll show you the old one"

~End of flashback~

I never saw the old robot cause on that day he disappeared

"I will find you uncle Leo"I told myself

Then I saw darkness again but this time I could open my eyes

I opened my eyes and saw Abigail, Rachel and Kayla staring at me

"(Y/N) we're so glad your awake"Rachel sighed in relief

"What happened?"I asked them

"I think we may have passed out"Kayla said while staring at the ceiling and rubbing her stomach

I quickly got up but had this huge headache

"Ahh...that hurts"I rubbed my head trying to soothe the pain

"Ya, we know from experience"Rachel said rubbing her head

"Guys look?!" Kayla semi-yelled,

We turned to her and saw that she had left her shirt up showing stomach but there were purple circles going across her lower belly, One circle had pierced through the skin,

I lifted up my shirt and saw the same thing,

"Same for you two?" I asked,

"Yea" they both said,

"It must be from when we got hit by that monster" I mumbled,

"Well we should go look for the boys" Abigail suggested trying to change the subject

"Lets go"I said and with that we all walked out a little weak but stable

Rachel, Abigail and Kayla went to go look for Mark,Harris and Spyder while I saw Ryan sitting on the couch he looked like he was deep in thought

I slowly creeped up behind him

"BOO!!"I yelled,

"AHH!!"He screamed jumping off the couch

I just bursted out laughing while he was catching his breathe,

"Not cool" He said turning around to face me,

"(Y/N)!!"he hugged me so tight I lost my breath,

"Can't..... Breathe..."I choked out

"Sorry"he apologized while holding his head down

I raised his chin with my hand and leaned in,

His soft lips met mine and we kissed  passionately, I felt him gently bite my lower lip begging for entrance but being me, I denied, then I felt him grip my butt,I gasped at his movement which he took his chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth exploring my caverns

Then we heard someone clear their throat behind us

We quickly separated and turned to see Mark smirking and Rachel trying to hold back her laughter, I knew that right now I was as red as an strawberry while Ryan had a light blush

"Look at this, my little bro is all grown up"Mark teased Ryan,

"Shut it Mark!"Ryan told his brother, his face getting even redder

Mark just laughed his ass off

Rachel pulled me aside and told me

"Remember to use protection little sis"

Usually I'd yell at her but I was too embarrassed to say anything, which caused Rachel to laugh more

I looked behind her and saw the rest of the team standing there giving me evil smirks except for Harris

"Anyway back to the problem people"Harris cleared himself

"What problem?"I asked them worried

The boys were now serious even spyder and he's never serious

"Your bloodstream is almost filled with something called Molariss"Harris explained to us

We all gasped in shock and fear

'How?' I thought,

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