Let's get Mechx4 back

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I just watched the trailer on Nathaniel's instagram page and I'm like dang son anyway I'm gonna stop talking and get to the story.

Ryan P.O.V

We rode our bikes to the junkyard to see mechx4 out of it's silo

"Why is mechx4 out of it's silo? Ryan are you doing that?"Harris asked,


Suddenly an winged jaguarsaur grabbed mechx4's shoulders

"No!!"I shouted

"Wait where's Mark and (Y/N)?"Spyder asks

"They must still be in the robot "Abigail answered

"Ryan can you connect to the robot and find out?"Rachel asked

I used my powers and connected to the robot

"I see Mark and (Y/N)!! And there's someone else in there" I told them

Then the jaguasaur grabbed mechx4 by the shoulders and started to fly away

"Ryan try and bring the robot back?!"Harris shouted

I tried to connect with the robot again but then an massive headache kicked in

"AAAHHHHH!!"I grabbed my head trying to soothe the pain

"Ryan!!"they all shouted

Then I looked up and saw mech x4 was gone

"Their gone"I said my voice cracking

She's gone

Your P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes still feeling pain everywhere but I ignored it and tried to move my hands only feel myself strapped to a table then I heard voices

"Almost?"I heard Mark ask

"Italian"I heard a voice speak up

"A 'C' is still a passing grade"mark shrugged

I tuned them out and looked up to see the person talking to mark was PRINCIPAL GREY!!!

Ha I knew something was up with that woman when I get out of this I'm gonna make sure she never has kids

"Davage make him talk" was all I heard before I heard footsteps going outside

I don't like the sound of that

"Mark?!" Was all I managed to get out as I tried to break free but everything I moved my limbs it felt like I was laying them on nails,

I heard someone getting kicked down and the next thing I knew I was on Mark's back

He ran to a nearby generator and started to mess around with the wires

"Oh these look important"he dragged them out and we ran over to the other side of a tent

"Thank you shop class"Mark exclaimed

I just chuckled,

I leaned onto the tent and heard voices,

"Oh everything is fine, sure"she said nervously

"Okay good I'm on my way"I heard the voice on the other side of the phone

"But everything's not fine"the 'thing' named Davage said

"Oh I didn't notice that everything was going crazy the boss is going to be here soon, the walker kid and that (L/N) girl are causing too much trouble get rid of them"she told him

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