The Challenge

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This is going to be long and horrible so get some chips and get ready

Ryan's P.O.V

I was sitting down at home waiting for mark to give me the challenge cause I lost the game which sucked

"Alright Bro I got a challenge for you" Mark said while smirking

"Uh Okay Give it to me"I asked nervous

"For the whole day tomorrow you have to use pickups lines on a girl" He smirked

"Alright I'll just say it to (Y/N)"I sighed in relief

"Nope you gotta say them to that georgia girl"

"I'll just tell (Y/N)-"

"You can't tell (Y/N) either" he said cutting me off

"Are you trying to make (Y/N) breakup with me, you know she doesn't like that girl!"

I sighed

Tomorrow is gonna be a long day

~Next morning~

(Y/N) P.O.V

Ugh stupid alarm

I thought while using my technopathy to turn it off

I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth

Once I was done I Got dressed
(I can't bother with description so)

(This is what u wore)

And went down to see all the girls waiting for me

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And went down to see all the girls waiting for me

"Welp let's go"

~Timeskip to school by gilmhercroes~

I was at my lockers packing away my books when I saw Ryan talking to georgia,

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I was at my lockers packing away my books when I saw Ryan talking to georgia,

"What is he doing?" I asked slightly angry

"Let's see .......oh he's talking"Abigail said and I could hear the sarcasm in her voice

"I mean why is he talking to her?"

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