That Self-centered Mark (Lemon)

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Okay again if you are uncomfortable with the lemon skip it

Rachel's P.O.V

I was currently alone in the car driving to the ice cream store because Abigail wanted to go to Harris house and for some reasons Kayla wanted to go to Spyder's house , it was weird but I let it slide

I pulled up to Sweet Treat (Don't know if that's a real place I just made it up)and locked the car then went in and up to the cashier

"Can I have cookie and cream?" I asked the cashier

"Sure. That will be $5.30" I gave the cashier the money then took a seat with my ice cream,

I was sitting down quietly on Instagram and eating my ice cream at the same time then I noticed someone sitting in front of me I never looked up at the person cause they smelt like alcohol and as I was about to get up to leave, the person started talking

"Cookie and cream nice" the person said

I looked to see it was Mark who smelt like alcohol and he looked drunk

"Mark what are you doing here?" I asked the drunken boy

"Just wondering the streets looking for a place called home" he said shaking his head

"Ugh come on mark I'll drive you home"I helped him out of the store and to the car I buckled his seatbelt and then I got in and buckled up

I mean it's just a 20 minute drive what could go wrong

~Time skip to 20 minutes by Britney spears🎤~

I am so glad we reached his house cause he's singing is terrible and I couldn't take it

"Come on mark" I helped him out of the car and into the house

"Hello anyone home?"i shouted


"I guess no one's home" I said to my self

I helped Mark up the stairs and into he's room then laid him on his bed but he got back up

"Rachel I can't keep it in"Mark wobbled around the room

"Keep what?" I asked him confused

"I love you I've loved you since I saw you"He continuing

"Mark your drunk you don- " I got cut off by Mark smashing he's lips onto mine and pushing me on the bed

Lemon starts here


He kissed me again but this time it was different, his kiss was rough and filled with love he pulled away and I looked into his eyes to see them filled with lust

"Rachel I want you so badly" he drew closer to me and kissed my neck then he started to bite it leaving hickeys

"Mark" I moaned

He went down to my legs and spread them wide open and lucky me was wearing a skirt, he dragged my underwear off and started to lick my clit I moaned his name again and he started to go in and out with his tongue, every time I moaned he went faster and faster, my breathe was getting heavy at the pleasure he was giving me as I was about to come he stopped and I looked down at him

He got off the bed and took off his pants and underwear and I was shocked at the size of his member

"Wow Mark never knew you were that naughty"I teased him

I got off the bed and kneeled down then started to play with his member (I'm starting to hate the word 'member' so) I started to suck on his cock and went as fast as I could while Mark was moaning and groaning till he fell on the bed I just laughed and laid down beside him,then he got up and jumped on top of me,

I wrapped my legs around his waist then he slid he's cock inside pass my entrance I moaned loudly and he took that as a sign to continue and started to thrust faster and faster every second

"Mark!"I moaned loudly

He's hands were now underneath my shirt fiddling with my breast
I moaned very loud when he started to hit my G-Spot, he was going so fast that the pleasure was uncontrollable I was about to come so he kept on going even faster I held his neck tighter every second

"Fuck MARK!!"


we both came and he fell next to me exhausted

"I really like you Rachel"Mark confessed

"I really l--wait a minute you weren't drunk were you?" I asked the half naked boy

"Nope Sean accidentally spilt alcohol on my clothes and I am really good at acting"he grinned at himself

I gotta hand it to him I really did think he was drunk

I laughed and looked at Mark

"I like you too Mark"I confessed

He just grinned

"Doesn't every girl like me?" He got up and looked at himself in the mirror

I got frustrated at this self-centered boy

"I'm gonna leave then" I got up and started to collect my clothes when I felt a tug on my arm then all of a sudden Mark smashed his lips onto mine in a hot kiss,

Sooner or later after he pulled away I just stared at him

"Please don't leave Mark Walker"he begged

I just laughed and got in bed with him

"Rachel will you be my girlfriend?"Mark asked me sleepily

"Yes! You don't know how long I waited for you to ask"I turned and pecked his lips

we snuggled against each other and we both feel asleep

I tried to make this a good chapter I will be making lemon for all the girls on (T/N)(team name) this was Also requested by dvddymya check out her stories 💖love you guys💖

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