Let's Get The Big Bad Part 1

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This is very long and might be boring but just bare with me I've been going through family problems and plus I had no idea what to write😔 but I'm back😁

~In Mech-x4~


After yesterday's drama, we still had to get back to the task at hand, which was finding a way to locate to big bad so we met up in the X-deck with grey to discuss the phone Ryan found on Morris,

"Even if that thing has the boss location it's still encrypted" I heard grey talking so I focused my attention on them

I was about to comment when Ryan beat me to it

"I'm pretty handy at cracking these stuff," He said with a wide smirk

'Right, I forgot they don't know I'm a technopath yet' I sighed

"You know they're all gonna find out soon" I jumped hearing a voice behind me, It was Rachel

"I know I just don't know how to tell them, I mean I can't just jump up and say hey guys I'm a technopath too" I whispered but loud enough for her to hear

"Whatever you say Y/N but when the truth gets out don't come running to me" she quickly walked away from me

I was deep in thought when I heard Ryan talking to someone so I turned my attention back to them wanting to know what was going on

"Uh hey it's Morris," he said in a deep voice

I heard another voice on the other end but I couldn't get what the person was saying

"Uhh...yeah, and we also ran into the pilot and we took him out too... But it was really hard though" He replied nervously

I continued to listen to them staying silent the whole time

"Cause he's like really strong, stronger than I thought" I rolled my eyes at the comment he made and moved a little bit closer to hear what the other person was saying

"And his really cool, cooler than his lame brother" Rachel moved in and slapped Ryan on his arm earning a glare from me

"UHhh...If he has a brother" Ryan corrected himself

"That's irrelevant but very thorough" I heard a deep voice on the other end

I looked at Ryan waiting for him to make a reply

"Umm...Uhh...I love you bye " he quickly hung up and put a hand over his mouth

I mentally and physically facepalmed myself

"I love you bye?" Spyder spoke up for the first

"Dang it I always say that when I get nervous" Ryan replied

"Is that why when I call you, you always say 'I love you' bye then hang up?" I asked folding my arms over my chest,

"Uhh-" He stumbled,
"Anyways, surprisingly it worked I got a location," Harris interrupted showing us his tablet which had a red dot on a certain place

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go" I jumped excited to kick some butt


The Robot had landed at what looked like an abandoned warehouse which to me looks like it hasn't been used in days

"There's someone in there with some pretty impressive tech too" Harris

"Sure,why don't we sit here and Talk about the amazing tech in there"I said from Mark's station, sarcasm learking in my voice, earning a glare from both Abegail and Harris

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