Will the happiness last?

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Merry almost Christmas people!! From BTS!! ❤💋🎄


All I could see was darkness, I think me and darkness would be considered  best friends now,

I didn't want to open my eyes, I was so afraid that if I did, I'd be back with that woman,

"Babe, please wake up" I heard a familiar voice say,

'Ryan?' I thought,

I slowly opened my eyes so I could adjust to the brightness, I looked over to Ryan's slouched form by my side[P.S you're in the med bay]


He looked up at me and his eyes went wide,

"You're awake!! Don't you ever do that to me again!" He said as he pulled me into a sitting position and engulfed me in a tight hug,

I giggled as he started placing kisses all over my face,

"I'm sorry about what I said that day, I shouldn't of doubted your trust in me but I was just so angry and-"

I placed a finger on his lips to quiet him,

"Ryan, I forgive you now shut up and kiss me"

"My pleasure" He chuckled and wrapped his hands around my waist as both of our lips met in a sweet kiss

I wrapped my hands around his neck and slid my fingers through his tiny curls,

Just as he moved to my neck we heard the elevator come up,

"It was good while it lasted" He sighed,

I laughed at his sad face,

"There's always next time" I said as I kissed his cheek,

I took his hand and walked out of the med bay to the elevator where everyone else was,

"Hey guys!" I greeted them,

They all turned towards me with wide smiles,

"She's back!!" Spyder shouted and threw his hand in the air,

"Good to have you back Y/N" Harris smiled,

"Don't you ever do that to us again!" Kayla shouted as she ran over to me and lifted me up in a hug,

"I promise" I laughed,

Once she placed me down I asked,

"So where were you guys?"

"We were at the school trying to measure how much ooze was under it" Rachel answered,

"Speaking of ooze, follow me guys" Harris said as he headed up to the control room,

Once we reached the control room, Harris sat at his station and pulled up an image of the ooze onto his screen,

"The ooze pocket is over a mile deep and almost three miles wide" He explained,

He zoomed the picture out so we could see the school and clawboon beside it,

"This is clawboon and based on the amount of ooze inside it, this is how big clawboon would be if it was made if all the ooze under the school" He sighed as the picture of clawboon started to grow bigger and bigger,

"Woah! That thing is huge" I said in shock,

"It could destroy the city!" Ryan added,

"It's almost the size of bay city itself" Abigail gaped,

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