Working With the enemy Part.2

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Previously on Mech x4

"I'll trust her"

For now


"Okay then how do we find your boss" Mark sighed

"There's the wrinkle I actually don't know who he is" She stuttered

"Really now" I scoffed at her

"You know I have an idea of how to flush him out"Ryan smirked

'OMG that smirk is soo--ugh stop it (Y/N) focus' I mentally slapped myself

With that one word spyder and kayla bursted out laughing

"Ya this is the is the team beating you" I smirked at her

"How do you live with yourself" Ryan continued while sliding his hand around my waist

~ Timeskip to school in grey's office ~

"Sir I can still be useful you can meet me here after school I will not fail you"She begged

'Yup this is what she deserves' I thought trying to hold in my laughter

"Nice performance soo how does it feel to be the bait"Ryan clapped at her while I just sat there with my hand over my mouth

"Your enjoying this aren't you" she asked clearly annoyed at us

"How do I put this in a nicer way , yes" I bluntly said earning a glare from her

"So now what?"she asked ryan

"Soo now we wait and hope that he wants you gone as badly as we do " ryan said causing me to smirk

As we both exited the office Ryan went off to his locker while I just went to talk to Mark

"Soo Mark how have you and Rachel's relationship been going ?"

"Well I don't know but I guess it's going better than yours"he said worried

"What do you mean?" I asked the varsity,

He pointed at something behind me and I turned around to be met with an girl with an hat on flirting with ryan, MY ryan and you could see the blush on his face, I was about to go over there and give them a piece of my mind until principal grey came over and ran her away I guess I'll have to thank her later

~Timeskip to nightime at school~

We were all hiding in the cafeteria waiting for the right time to come out I haven't talked to Ryan ever since I saw him with that girl

I was getting kind of impatient when I heard principal grey run in

" Oh No I'm cornered and I'm helpless........Is what you wanted me to say"

And with that we all came out of our hiding and started to attack the guards

Five guards tried to come at me with electricutors(I don't know what they call it),

One of the guards tried to shock my neck but I dogded and punched him in the nose and kneed him in the stomach,knocking him out,

Two more of the guards came at me trying to strike my arms so I took one of the guards head and gave him a knee to the face,

I turned on my heels and gave the other guard an spinning kick to his head

I swore there was five of them but I guess the other two gave up

I was on my way to help the others dogding kicks and punches on the way that I didn't notice two pairs of hands wrap around my waist until I was lifted off the ground

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