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The next day, I woke up early since I was looking forward on going to class.

I left extra early hoping to talk to Mr. Kim and ask for help.

Good thing, he was there and he's alone. I knocked on the door and he looked at me then smiled. He gestured for me to go inside.

"Good morning, Jimin. You're early for today." Mr. Kim said. I sat down on the chair in front of him.

"Actually Mr. Kim, I need to ask you something." I said. He nodded and urged me to continue on.

"Do you know different codes?" I asked. He closed his eyes as if he's remembering something. He then opened them then looked at me while smiling.

"Jimin, I'll be honest. I know a lot of codes and such but I don't know where to start." He said while chuckling.

"Uhm something related or using numbers? I tried to match the corresponding numbers with the letters in the alphabet but they are all two digits and starts with 11. After 15 though, the counting starts at 21." I explained. Mr. Kim listened intently and clasped his hands to place his chin above it as if he's thinking.

"So you mean, the numbering starts at 11 and then 12, 13, 14, 15 and next will be 21?" Mr. Kim said. I nodded quickly.

"I think I know what type of code is that." He smiled. I widened my eyes.

"Really? What is it and how can I decode them?" I whisper yelled. He chuckled.

"I think it is the Polybius square method. Its a cryptogram used with Mathematical concepts." He said. I blinked.

"How can I decipher such thing?" I asked. He got a piece of chalk and started writing a vertical numbering of 1-5 and a horizontal numbering of 1-5 as well.

"All you have to do is follow this number system. As you can see, there are 25 spaces for 25 letters." He explained and draw a grid.

"But the alphabet is 26." I said. Mr. Kim chuckled.

"Letter I and J share the same number value. You'll read it as a two digit number based on their vertical and horizontal value. The vertical is the first digit while the horizontal is the second. Like for instance, there's number 11. Then it's letter A." He explained. I nodded. He asked me to try it but before I do, Taehyung entered the room.

"Jimin! Why'd you leave me?" He said with a pout. I just smiled at him.

Soon enough, the other students already entered the classroom, including Yoongi hyung.

I went back to my chair beside him and he waved.

"How's my favorite sunshine?" He asked. I frowned then pouted.

"Favorite? Does that mean you have other sunshines other than me?" I whined. He was taken aback and probably realizing that I have a point. He widens his eyes and shakes his head.

"That's not what I mean, Minnie. You're my only sunshine." He defended himself. I was about to chuckle but the blush beat me into it after he said Minnie.

"You got another nickname for me again." I mumbled. He blinked and spaced out. He was just staring blankly behind me and when I looked back, there's nothing so I looked at him confusingly. But then I noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead so I started getting worried.

"Hyung? Are you alright?" I softly asked him. He blinked and looked at me.

"Sorry for spacing out." He said after shaking his head repeatedly as if he's waking himself up. I didn't argue anymore because it looks like he's uncomfortable with that so I just looked at the board and intertwined his pinky finger with mine.

I don't know if it's just me or his shoulders slumped down as if he's stiff a while ago.


Dinner is finished already so I'm currently at my room while Taehyung is reading a newspaper he probably got from Doctor Seokjin.

I decided to follow Mr. Kim's advice about the Polybius square and wrote exactly what he said.

     1  2  3  4  5
1  A B  C  D  E
2  F G  H I/J  K
3  L M N  O  P
4  Q R  S   T  U
5  V W X   Y  Z

I then started deciphering the code written on the notebook and I gasped when I finally did it.

He still looks the same five years ago.

Wow. This is quite intriguing since this actually looked like a diary entry. But who wrote this?

It may be a girl, since it says 'he'. But also could be a boy. This doesn't sound romantic since it can refer to a friend. Or more than.

But otherwise, this is cool. I hope that the person writing this will continue to write so that I will still solve some things.

Who could this be, though?

I tried to decipher the next code and I got something more intriguing.

But he is not exactly the same anymore.

I glanced at Taehyung. I don't know why but I randomly asked him.

"Tae, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked him suddenly. He just blinked.

"I supposed to have." He said blankly. Now, it's my turn to blink. I'm contemplating whether I'll ask what does that mean or I shouldn't because it's kinda private.

"Well I think I supposed to have a boyfriend but I don't think he considers me as his boyfriend." Taehyung added. I just nodded in response, not asking more since I don't want to intrude his personal life.

I just sighed then flopped down on the bed thinking about the code.

Its not probably Taehyung. He said he has a boyfriend.

So who could it be? Is it actually possible for a relationship to bloom in a mental hospital?

I kept on repeating the same question in my head until I fell asleep.

But before I fall asleep completely, an image crossed my mind.

Its Yoongi hyung with a blonde hair. Sitting on a grass in front of me. Smiling and looking at me.


why the heck am i still slow in updating ugh

btw sorry if there's only a few yoonmin here i just need this for the plot

and please do observe even the smallest details on every chapter

they're definitely important


i love you all and i hope you're doing great 💖

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