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Yoongi grabbed the hem of my shirt, since skinships aren't allowed. He dragged me up to make us stand up and when we're about to leave the room, Mr. Kim entered.

"Fucking hell." I heard Yoongi hyung mumbled as he saw the teacher. Mr. Kim looked at us.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked. Yoongi hyung sighed.

"Stretching." He coldly said. He dragged me back to my seat and motioned me to sit down. Mr. Kim looked at us suspiciously but let us pass. The others are now arriving and Yoongi hyung just came back to his sleeping position.


As Mr. Kim discussed about Math, I felt a finger laced onto my pinky finger. I looked down and saw Yoongi's pinky finger wrapped around mine. I blinked.

"Uhh hyung?" I asked him, not sure if he's awake. He stirred on his position and looked at me.

"Hi Jiminnie. I hope you don't mind." He said while looking at our fingers.

"Not really. Its okay." I assured him while smiling. He smiled back. He really should smile more often.

I didn't notice him bringing out a piece of paper from his pocket. And when he fished it out, he opened it and showed me the paper. I looked at the top portion of it and my right eyebrow raised.

Cool Kids' Escape Plan 101.

I giggled. This thing is serious and yet, it has this childish name.

"Its Taehyung's idea. I mean, the name." Yoongi explained. I giggled again. I looked at the rest of the writings on the paper. Only a few names were in the list, some are somewhat erased. Maybe because those people were out already. I saw Taehyung's name on the list, also Hoseok's and Yoongi's. There are other names like Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Mingyu and Wonwoo. On the bottom of the list, there's my name. Wow.

"I listed down your name because why not? You don't deserve to be here." Yoongi said. I smiled and mouthed a thank you. I noticed something on the paper. I snorted.

"Okay, so this is a plan, with the names of the people involved, and yet, there's no actual plan?" I asked. He shrugged.

"We don't have any idea on how to start it." He said. I blinked.

"Well how about having a partner? I mean for example. Taehyung and I will be partners. And one of us will act like he is already cured or something so he will be able to get out. And when he does, he will secretly take his partner away with him. Something like that." I randomly said. I know I'm lame in planning but I just said what was on my mind, just to suggest something. Yoongi became silent, probably thinking how stupid my idea is. But he looked at me then smiled.

"That's a great idea actually."


It was lunchtime and surprisingly, I'm not only with Taehyung and Yoongi. Four more people were with us on our table.

"That's Seungcheol. He's been here for 5 months. He's bisexual and I think he has a thing for Jeonghan. He's here because he always have panic attacks." Yoongi explained as he pointed at a tall guy with black messy hair and visible gums.

"And the guy beside him is Jeonghan." Yoongi said. I gasped.

"He's a boy?" I whispered, still not believing that Jeonghan was a boy, since he has long blonde hair and he really looks like a girl. Yoongi chuckled.

"Believe me, everyone has the same reaction with you when they saw Jeonghan." He explained.

"Then the tall guy is Mingyu. He's been here for a month. And I might say that he's a total asshole." Yoongi said and rolled his eyes. I giggled and looked at the Mingyu guy. Mingyu is currently ranting about how stupid his life is and how this mental hospital made it more stupid. He also rants about how stupid his parents were for confining him here. Well yeah, he sounds and looks like a complete asshole. He really doesn't stop speaking until the guy beside him told him to shut the fuck up and thank God he listened.

"And that guy who told Mingyu to shut the fuck up is Wonwoo. Obviously, Mingyu likes Wonwoo." Yoongi explained. Wow so falling for patients is possible here.

Yoongi cleared his throat to get everyone at the table's attention , which he did.

"We now have a plan. Its actually Jimin's plan." Yoongi started.

"What's the plan?" Jeonghan asked. Yoongi explained what I suggested and surprisingly, everyone agreed.

"Now, you should choose your partner." Yoongi said.

"I'll be with Jeonghan." Seungcheol said immediately. Jeonghan nodded. Yoongi wrote it down on the paper.

"I'll go with Wonwoo." Mingyu said. Wonwoo raised his right eyebrow.

"Excuse me no." He said. But Yoongi wrote it down already. Mingyu smirked.

"I'll go with Jiminnie!" Taehyung excitedly said. I smiled. Yoongi wrote down Taehyung's name but he didn't write my name. Instead, he wrote Hoseok's.

"Hyung? Taehyung said he wanted to go with me." I whispered. He shrugged.

"You'll go with me, sunshine." He said as he wrote something.

Yoongi x Jimin.


Its time for my medicine so I decided to go to Doctor Seokjin. After taking them, I thanked him then smiled. He smiled back and told me to have a good night sleep. He's really nice. Before I left, Hoseok together with a nurse, entered. He's still wearing his flower outfit. He noticed me and smiled widely.

"Hi Yoongi's baby!" He yelled. I blushed at what he called me but I just waved at him then smiled.

I walked back to my room and noticed that Taehyung's already sleeping, so I decided to lay down too. But I can't sleep.

I was thinking about things. Like, how interesting it is to be in a mental hospital. I wanted to see through people. I wanted to know the real them. Not just someone who is depressed, suicidal or has panic attacks. I wanted to know the true them.

I wanted to know why Mingyu is a complete asshole and why's he like that. I wanted to know why Wonwoo is so quiet. I wanted to talk to Jeonghan since he has that motherly aura. I wanted to talk to Seungcheol since he looks like someone who knows deep things in the surroundings. I wanted to know Hoseok, why's he like that and if what happened to him.

Even Taehyung. Although he's my roommate, I must admit that I've only known little things about him. But actually, he's like a brother to me already.

And of course. Min Yoongi. I wanted to know more about him. Even though we're surprisingly close, my knowledge about the blonde hyung is still limited. It feels like there's something behind those fierce orbs and that cold aura. And also, I still don't know why he befriended me. He's so interesting.

That night, I slept on thinking about Yoongi hyung. Weird but feels right.


Yes babies a long update finally.

Oh and btw here comes the ploooooot. *screams*

I'll be posting a really short story next day. Its about an ARMY's life and I hope you'll read it and you'll relate on it. :---)


^ also discontinuing this one

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