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Its another day but it's gonna end soon. Its dinner time and the table is surprisingly, full.

Another member was added and it's the mysterious newbie (not me), Junhui. Everyone surprisingly liked him except for one grumpy boy who's been glaring at Junhui the whole time.

"If looks could kill, Junhui might already be at the morgue, hyung." I whispered to Yoongi hyung. He looked at me.

"What are you talking about? The way I look at him is normal. Go ask others." Yoongi hyung said as-a-matter-of-fact. I just shrugged and giggled.

"If you say so."

Junhui then looked at me and it looks like he's contemplating if he should greet me or not. But I shot him a smile and a small nod, urging him to speak. He sighed in relief and smiled.

"Hello, Jimin." He said with a small wave. I smiled.

"Hello, Junhui." I said. The others started to ask Junhui questions like why is he here.

"I don't know even why. Maybe because I'm insane? Who knows." He said with a chuckle.

"At least you know in yourself that you're insane." I heard Yoongi hyung mumbled beside me. I looked at him in amusement.

"Hyung, why are you showing such hostilities to the newbie?" I asked him. He just glared at the table.

"I don't like him. I don't like newbies. You're an exception though." He whispered. I felt heat creep into my cheeks.

"Why am I?" I managed to ask. He just looked at me and reached for my pinky finger with his and squeezes it.

"Maybe because you're special? Who knows. But all I know is that you're my favorite person here in the hospital and probably in the universe as well." He whispered. Now I'm definitely flustered.


I'm now currently sitting on the bed and waiting for me to get sleepy. I looked at the other side and saw Taehyung who's writing... a letter?

"Is that a letter?" I asked him. He froze but he looked at me.

"Uhm... I guess so." He answered. I raised an eyebrow.

"To whom are you sending that?" I asked again. He looked away from me.

"I'm... not sending it to anyone. I just keep them." He answered quietly.

I stayed quiet, observing his features. Taehyung tonight is, least to say, different.

He's not energetic and bubbly. And he's not talkative. He's surprisingly quiet and decent ever since he started to write the letter.

He sighed.

"Remember when I told you that I was supposed to have a boyfriend?" He asked me. I did remember our conversation last night and I nodded.

"Is that for him?" I asked him quietly. He smiled sadly and nodded. I stayed quiet, unsure of what to say.

He stood up and crouched down to get a small box under her bed. He opened the lid and showed me what's inside.

Inside there were letters. Probably around 30 or more, all unsent. He folded the paper where he recently wrote and placed it neatly at the box. He closed the lid and smiled sadly again.

"Why... why aren't you sending them?" I whispered. He looked at me then sighed.

"I was afraid. I don't know what but I am. Believe me, I wanted to send them to him but the fear eats me up so the letters end up here." He pointed at the box.

"Well, did he even send you?" I asked. Suddenly, he sat up straight and his eyes were like glowing. He nodded repeatedly. I widened my eyes then stood up. I walked to him and shook him.

"Then you should send him your replies, at least!" I whisper shouted. He shook his head sadly.

"Jimin, you don't understand." He said as he gently removed my hands from his shoulder.

"What can't I understand?" I asked him. He sat down on his bed.

"You see, he sends letters to me everyday. Every single day, Jimin. And to every letters, I have a reply. But before I give it to the lady at the counter to mail it, I panic and just place it at the box. I feel like an asshole for not replying to him and I expected him that one day, he'll stop sending letters." He said sadly while looking down. After a few seconds, he looked up at me and smiled sadly.

"And unsurprisingly, he did." He whispered. I widened my eyes then looked at him sadly. I was speechless, afraid to say something wrong. But I did.

"When did he stop?" I asked. He bit his bottom lip.

"The day before you came." He answered. I just looked at him then sighed, not knowing what to do. So instead, I placed my hand on his shoulder and rubbed it gently, trying to comfort him.

In the middle of our silence we heard a loud screaming.

Taehyung and I looked at each other and stood up. We opened the door and looked around.

The voices became clearer and after a few minutes, we saw Junhui coming out of his and Mingyu's shared room while glaring and two doctors assisting him. They passed in front of our room and it looks like he doesn't notice us.

"He's so fucking annoying I swear I'm gonna kill that bastard. I'm so gonna kill him." I heard Junhui mumbled. My eyes widened. Is he talking about Mingyu?

Taehyung closed the door and exhaled.

"What the heck was that?" I asked. Tae looked at me and he looks like he's hesitating to speak but gladly, he did.

"Don't you know why Junhui is here?" He whispered as we want back to our beds.

"I actually have no idea." I answered. Tae looked around as if he's afraid someone might hear him.

"Junhui is addicted in killing people he thinks is annoying. In fact, he already killed some." He said. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"How did you know?" I asked in disbelief. He shrugged.

"I overheard doctor Seokjin and Mr. Kim." He said. I coughed, feeling breathless because of the information. I felt shiver run up to my spine.

Its ironic, though. Almost all of us here are suicidal, wanting to kill ourselves. But Junhui is different. He wants to kill everyone else. It may be his stress reliever but even if that's the case, it still creeps me out. I mean, I think he's a nice person and friend. And I just can't imagine him holding a knife or gun and killing someone.

Maybe I really don't know everyone.

Taehyung excused himself because it's time for his therapy. When I was alone in the room, I looked at the box of letters on Taehyung's bed. I don't know what got into me but I decided to open it and get the latest letter and go to the front desk and mail it.

But what I got isn't Taehyung's letter but his supposed boyfriend's.


sorry for cutting it here but this already took long and so many information are given lol

i'll repeat, remember the small details because they're important

and you got a sneak peak of Junhui's life yay im so excited to write more about him

and also the "letter" from Taehyung's "supposed to be boyfriend" will be at the next chapter which will be published tomorrow ;) its the next chapter is already completed in my drafts and you may or may not get to know who is his boy

i hope you're doing great and don't forget to smile! you're special 💛

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