Chapter 1: Aquaintances

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I wrote this story in 2017 when I was 13, so it is far from perfect! I use vocabulary that was highly used in 2017, but not as much now. Nox is no where near the level of Manacled, The Rights & Wrong Series, etc. so please don't judge it based on them, and please don't expect it to be the same or even similar. It was a creative outlet of mine, and I am very grateful for the exposure this fic has received!

In saying this, I hope you enjoy the read, and PLEASE be respectful. You may think your words don't mean anything, but some comments are truly horrendous. If you don't like the fic, put it down. I am not being paid for this - so please try and judge it accordingly! I have other Dramione fics that have been written as early as this year, so check them out if you prefer a better plot + writing.

Thanks so much.

Placing my folded clothes onto my bed that was so neatly made, the memories suddenly intruded of the note I had received over the break.

Dear Miss Hermione Granger,

As Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I ask with great honour, if you may come back to finish your last year as head girl.

As the courageous, and the undoubtedly intelligent witch that you are, we have decided that you are perfect for this task. However, we are fully aware as to why you wouldn't want to return, but, we ask that you do to show the ministry and the younger wizards and witches, that all is well, and that we shall look forward to what is to come.

Our first choice of headboy has kindly rejected our offer - Mr Harry Potter will not be returning for his final year at Hogwarts and we presume you know why. Considerately, our offer still stands with you and Mr Potter himself.

Miss Granger, you are a bright young witch and it would be a great shame if you did not return. Hogwarts needs your Gryffindor courage to renew the school into what it once was. And of course, many of your fellow acquaintances shall be returning also, hopefully that may give you another reason to return.

Thank you for your time, I do wish to see you at the beginning of the school year.

Professor, Minerva Mcgonagall

At first, returning to Hogwarts wasn't even an option to begin with. Yet, part of me felt as though it would be a shame if I hadn't returned. Harry and Ron decided not to come back, and for obvious reasons too. Harry had gotten a job at the Ministry for magic a month before I had received the letter. And well for Ron, he's happily apart of the Auror industry.

Ron and I are together — however, it feels as though we are together for the fame, and because it's all we know. Not that I'm afraid to find someone new, but what if he's not a good person?

Ron is familiar. He always has been, and what we have — it's comfortable.

As I began exploring the head's-common-room-book-shelf, the thought of who was going to be head boy struck me. Would it be Neville? Perhaps a Ravenclaw. Suddenly, a small knock came from the door. I turned to see the door opening with a scent beginning to fill the air, an ever so familiar scent.

"Wasn't aware that they'd sent a Gryffindor to do a Slytherin's job."

Draco Malfoy.

He had only said a sentence, yet, it was enough for my patience levels to have dropped.

"Can I assist you with anything, Malfoy?" I asked, sounding a little annoyed but respectful towards him.

He closed the door behind him, and chuckled. He began walking towards me and stopped once he was a foot in front of me.

"No assistance required, Granger. I'm capable of finding my bedroom myself." He began. Spearmint. His voice smelt of fresh spearmint and toothpaste. My eyes suddenly shifted from his grey orbs to the ground - coming to the realisation of why he was standing in front of me and not in the dungeons.

"Has Mcgonagall gone bonkers? She has you as head boy?" I said, giggling at the thought.

"Quite hilarious, is it, Granger? Believe me, I was sick to the stomach when she had told me that you were head girl. But the thought of spending my last year annoying you, made coming to Hogwarts a little better." He said, turning to the sofa that stood beside me.

"And I don't bite, unless of course, you ask." He said, plastering that famous Draco Malfoy smirk that usually makes every girl's knees weak.

I rolled my eyes in disgust, he sat down and crossed his legs.

"If we are going to be sharing a common room, I believe we should come to some sort of agreement or truce. I don't want this year to be drama-filled." I began. He looked at me sincerely. "Considering everything that's happened last year, I believe it would be in both our interests to start the year on a good note, starting with the two of us forming an - acquaintance-ship, if you will," I said, turning to him.

The room seemed to have gotten hotter as his eyes burned holes through me.

"In this room we are acquaintances , but no where else. You are still the know-it-all to me once we step out of this room. But yes, I agree. Acquaintances it is." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked to my bedroom, beginning to dress into my robe.

This year is going to be anything but drama-less.


Hey Guys!

I hope you liked my first chapter! This book will be filled with drama, romance & "aww" moments. I fell in love with the Dramione ship recently and couldn't keep my eyes off them. I hope you've enjoyed it, and please tell me what you think! Vote & add the book to your reading list! I promise it'll get better and longer!

Thank you :)

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