Chapter 26: Choosing the losing side

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Christmas was not so joyful and fulfilling as it once were back at the Weasley's, well, for Ron and Harry, anyway. They spent most of their time, silent in their room, watching from the window in Ron's room as Ginny and Blaise built an odd-looking Snowman.

"Creating a snowman with no magic? Ron asked, staring out the window at his sister and her boyfriend. Harry stared at the wall, his hand gripping his wand viscously.

"We should give them a shot," Harry stated, not taking his eyes off the wall. Ron turned around, his eyes wide in shock.

"Have you gone mental?"

"Did you see how happy Hermione was with Malfoy?" Harry said, "She forgave him, Ron, after years of the constant arguments, the name calling – everything. If Hermione could look past all the things he done to her, so can we. I mean, Hermione would do the same if it were us."

Ron's face began to calm, his features were more Ron-like, rather than the I-can-kill-you look he had plastered on his face constantly. "You're right, mate. And, well, Zabini isn't so bad." Ron stated, staring out the window once more.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."


Sitting in the Great hall to complete their final term as the soon-to-be-graduates, was something Hermione had both, dreaded and looked forward to. She sat down, her eyes wandering aimlessly around the room, finally settling on a new professor who sat beside McGonagall. Hermione thought she looked similar, as though she had seen this dark-haired woman before. Ginny had just walked in with Blaise, both laughing at something he had said. Her necklace had been full in view, making sure every teenage girl – or possibly even teacher – would be mesmerized by the gift her wonderful boyfriend had given her for Christmas.

"Good evening students, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas," McGonagall began. "Before everyone begins to feast, I would like to introduce the new divination teacher – Mrs. Pernell Parkinson." Hermione gasped – that's where she's heard the name from – the Daily prophet. The article reappeared in Hermione's head.

The Dark Lord may be acquiring new death eaters, a source tells us.

After he recruited the youngest death-eater, MR Draco Malfoy, he is now

Looking for someone who can be his right-hand-man OR woman.

Pernell Parkinson has been named the newest death-eater to have received the

Dark mark – as shown in the image – she is standing in Honey Dukes,

Strolling as if she owned the store. As she turns to face the camera, a

Small dark tattoo can be seen – whether it is a dark mark, or not, we

Are still in the dark.

Seated across the Great Hall, Draco's eyes widened as he saw his reformed-fellow-death-eater standing in front of everyone. Feeling ill, he stood up – attempting not to catch too many glances on his way out. It had been so long since he had a discussion with the woman herself, yet, he remembers it clearly. It was during the war, when they all were convinced that they would win the great war. He sat across the woman in meetings, he remembered her eyes were similar to the girl he used to shag on a regular basis.

Before he could think clearly, a gush of wind hit his pale-white features, embracing them as if it were their own. Draco hadn't realized where his feet were taking them until he felt a pair of firm hands grasp his shoulder. He turned around, seeing as though his best friend caught onto what happened – following behind him.

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