Chapter 18: Run-ins

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The sixth and seventh years all returned back to Hogwarts before the sun began to set. Hermione had asked her best friend to accompany her back to the head common room. Blaise and Draco took a long stride around the castle.

"It's getting cold, mate. We should head back." Blaise said, looking at the ground.

"A little cold has never hurt anyone." Draco smirked at his best friend. Without realisation, he had bumped into someone. Draco looked up and saw the redhead who seemed to be quite frustrated.

"Look who we have here, Weaslebee and Potty." Blaise said, chuckling at the names, Draco only smirked at the sight.

"Look, Harry, it's the death eater and his minion." Ron hissed, as if venom were dripping from his mouth. Draco's smirk soon faded, his fists clenched tight in his pockets, his eyes shooting daggers at the red-head. "Too ashamed to say anything, now are we?" Ron chuckled. "Or is it that you are beginning to feel guilty? Basically, embarrassing the brightest witch of our age... Yet, she still had the courage to come and defend you in our common room. You two make me sick." The hesitation hadn't even passed through Draco, he had Ron up against the wall – holding him by his throat. The air in his lungs began to suppress, his grip only tightening as the ginger began turning a bright shade of red.

"Draco, let go of him." Blaise said, he was holding Harry back. Draco disregarded his best friends plead and looked at the ginger who was now turning purple.

"Ever, and I mean ever, speak of Hermione in that way again and I promise you, my death eater status won't be what scares you the most." He let go of Ron, leaving him to fall on the ground gasping for air. Blaise let go of Harry. To his dismay, he turned around and punched him square in the face. Draco just stood there, attempting not to laugh. Blaise, who was now on the ground, clenched the tip of his nose in pain. Harry stood above him.

"That was for taking Ginny." He spat, turning his attention to the boy who was attempting to contain himself from the fits of laughter. Draco's laughter had stopped, his smirk fading at the glares Harry Potter was now sending him.

"You better make her happy, or else, Merlin help you." Harry said through gritted teeth, attempting to scare the blond. Draco looked at the ground and back up at Harry, he nodded and walked away – taking the blood-filled boy away with him.

"Make her happy? Honestly, Harry? After everything he has put us through, you handed her away to – to him!" Harry offered Ron his hand, pulling him up to his feet.

"He clearly has feelings for her. He wouldn't have done that to you if he hadn't." Harry responded, walking away from his best friend. Ron stood there, taking in what just happened.

"What's with everyone and defending that bloke." Ron muttered to himself, running after Harry.


The common room door opened, the two girls had been sitting on the couch – talking and enjoying the company of one another. Their heads snapped, both seeing Blaise pinching his nose as the blood began to run. Draco beside him, laughing hysterically at the sight.

"What happened?" Ginny rushed to Blaise's side, taking his face into her hands – examining it intently.

"Your boyfriend happened." Blaise said with a smirk. Ginny's eyes grew.

"We need to take you to Madam Pomfrey." Ginny said, basically pulling Blaise out of the common room. Draco closed the door and looked back at the girl who was now standing in front of the fire, with her arms crossed.

"Harry did that?" She asked, continuing to stare at the burning blaze. Draco placed his hands in his pockets, standing beside her.

"Indeed. Saying it was for 'taking Ginny' or something along those lines." He chuckled remembering the event. Hermione nudged him and smiled.

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