Chapter 16: Old self

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Considering it is Mr Draco Malfoy's birthday today, I have decided that I should post. In order to celebrate Draco's 38th birthday, this chapter will be dedicated to him.

The breeze drizzled against the window of the heads-common room, creating a creaking sound every time it had occurred. It was morning, the sun only had begun to rise. Draco opened his eyes, staring into the distance – where the fireplace is located. He looked down at his embrace, seeing the small-figure that lay on him. Her head was placed on his chest, a blanket embraced them both. He took a strand of her hair, placing it behind her ear as he admired how gorgeous she was. He gently moved, letting her head to fall on the couch they had slept on, he walked – bare – to his room, holding the piece of parchment that had been delivered to him.

After taking his shower, dressing himself in his appropriate clothes – he scrunched up the parchment, placing it in his desk drawer. He walked out of his room, closing the door silently so that he wouldn't wake the sleeping girl that was resting on the couch. He smiled at the sight, remembering what had occurred the night before. He walked toward her, leaning down so that his face was only a few centimetres from hers. He admired her cheeks and the freckles that she had embraced so effortlessly, the way her nose was structured. He then began to think that, if what he was doing was truly the right decision. Without hesitation, he stood up and walked out of the room, slamming the door shut, purposely. Hermione shifted, waking up by the sound of a loud bang. She sat up, holding the blanket close to her chest – looking around for a particular person.


Hermione's POV

I was sitting in potions, silently. Waiting for all the students to erupt in. Memories of last night began to flush my mind, what I had done with Draco – what we had said. Suddenly, the door slammed opened, revealing the red-haired boy, accompanied by Harry. My eyes shuffled from my book to them. They took the table beside mine, both sharing glances and back at me.

"Waiting for Mr ferret, are we?" Ron said, practically spitting if I must say. I growled underneath my breath, the classroom now beginning to fill with students. My eyes scurried to the blond-haired boy, who walked in hand-in-hand with no one else but The Pansy Parkinson. A scoff came from the table beside me, Ronald.

The class was quiet as we awaited the arrival of our professor, Mr. Slughorn. Draco sat blanklessly beside me, his eyes expressed no emotion, his face was as pale as ever.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer, mudblood." He turned my way and spat, my eyes widened immediately. What had happened to the boy who I spent the night with last night? The boy who had admitted his feelings toward me? The boy who I loved? I stared into his grey eyes, attempting to read any signs of emotion, of explanation at least. Yet, there were none.

I was about to reply when Slughorn walked in, seeming all gloomy and depressed – completely different to what he normally is.

"Students. Please turn to page 980 and complete the task on the page. Minimal items required, we are only learning how to create Felix Felices – which we have already created once before. Now with your partner, you have an hour. You may begin." He said, taking a seat at his desk – reviewing parchments.

Draco and I began to work, quietly and at our own pace. He had been doing one thing, whilst I, another.

"That's wrong." I said, not looking up at him. "You're meant to squash it." I replied, staring up at the boy who continued staring with a glare full of hatred.

"Sorry to ruin your ambiance, Mudblood. But I'm afraid that it says here, you must cut it." He said, I stopped cutting – slamming my hand on the table loudly. My heart felt as though it had been stabbed, my eyes began to prickle with tears. I then began to continue on with what I had been doing.

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