Chapter 11: Pansy & Quidditch

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Draco's POV

Sitting in the Great hall, a great deal of chatter had been occurring. I turned to look at Blaise, who was in fact, sitting beside me – his eyes lingering on the Gryffindor table.

"Zabini." I nudged him, he looked at me with an irritated glare. I rolled my eyes and continued with what I had wanted to say.

"What's all the talk about? I'm getting annoyed." I said, picking up a green apple that had been placed in a basket in front of us. My eyes looked toward a pair of brown eyes, she was sitting next to the ginger. Hermione began to giggle at what she had said. I smiled, unknowingly at the sight, remembering what had occurred two nights before.

"Well, it's Slytherin versus Gryffindor today, of course, you should know – you're sort of the captain." I turned to face Zabini with wide eyes. How had I forgotten about quidditch? "But, considering what happened last year, we all knew that you may need to have a break from it and being Headboy, it's kind of hard work. So, the team and I were training whilst you and Granger had duties to fulfill." He said, taking a large bite of the bread he had in his hand.

"Well... Thank you for that, mate." I sighed. I turned back to the girl I had been staring at for quite sometime before. She was now staring back, a small smile caressed her pink lips, her cheeks reddened as I gave her a wink. Feeling a stare burn through my skin, I turned to the left of me – Pansy. I groaned in frustration. Her hand gently rubbed my knee, battering her eyes as she smiled at me.

"Draco, you've been acting strangely. Is there something wrong?" I looked at her and back toward the Gryffindor table seeing that Hermione had left. I knitted my eyebrows at the sight. Ginny – who was staring back at me with a cold expression – waved her hands toward the door of the Great Hall. I had realised that she must've left. I stood from my seat, Pansy's hands falling from my knee.

"Parkinson. I'm not sure if you're having a laugh out of this or you're just being an incompetent git. Merlin, haven't I made it clear? I don't like your company." Her eyes widened in shock. Gasps were heard from around the room – noticing the silence that had fallen upon the large room. I looked around, all eyes were piercing my skin. Most out of amusement, some out of pity for the girl who glared at me. I walked away, loosening my tie that seemed to be suffocating me. Walking toward the head common room I heard footsteps following me.

"I swear to Merlin, Parkinson! Stay awa-" I turned to see the Ginger behind, a smirk placed on her lips.

"Caused great trouble back there, Malfoy. I must say I'm impressed." She laughed, crossing her arms. I chuckled and looked down at the grey floor.

"I just came to say, not to worry about my brother, or Harry. I saw the look on your face when you found out. And I apologise for interrupting the conversation you two were having." She smiled. My cheeks flushed with a visible shade of red. "Although, my brother and Hermione are still together – there is no real passion between them. Just, don't hesitate anymore. Don't feel ashamed that you're actually attracted to her. I can promise you if you stop acting like the ferret that you are, she will fall more – immensely." I chuckled at the last part.

"I've been a real git to her the past six years. I feel ashamed that, that I was like that to a girl who is so intelligent and beautiful in every way possible. I'm not ashamed of her, Weaslette. I'm ashamed that I can look at her now, after all those years, and say that she has forgiven me. And because of that, I've actually fallen in love with her." Ginny's eyes widened in shock. She smirked excessively and nudged my arm. I turned an even brighter shade once I realised what I had said. She giggled like a mad-man.

"Tell her that, Malfoy." She smiled. She began walking off. "Good luck today, you're going to need it." She said, not turning back. I laughed. I turned back – walking straight to my common room in a rush.

Hermione's POV

Sitting in the common room, staring at the burning fire with a book in my hands. My thoughts ran to earlier this morning when Pansy couldn't keep her vulgar hands of Draco. He hadn't seemed to mind. Although, I did rush out of the hall once I had sight of the pair. Jealousy? It must not be. No, I can't. I shook my head in frustration.

"I can't be jealous of her. Pansy Parkinson, out of all people? I laughed hysterically at the thought. Suddenly, the door shot open. I spun around to the see the blond boy – who seemed to be breathless. I turned around, attempting to ignore him and continue on with reading – although I hadn't done much of that since last night. He took a seat next to me and huffed.

"What are you reading?" He asked, his hands settling behind his head. I placed the book down and looked toward the figure who had his eyes shut.

"Did that kiss mean nothing to you, Draco? Or was it out of pure ignorance?" I asked. My jaw clenched, frightened of the answer that may follow. His eyes opened. He readjusted his position, seeming as he was much more interested in this conversation rather than the one about my book.

"Hermione, are you really questioning it?" He asked. His eyes showed hurt, though, his voice sounded with anger. I stood from my seat, holding my book in my hand.

"I don't know what to question with you, Draco! One minute you're looking at me with that pesky smirk of yours, and the next, Pansy is embracing you with lust! I hate to burst your bubble, Draco, but I am not one of your girls who you keep wrapped around that foul finger of yours!" I was shouting at him. He stood up and clenched his jaw in anger. He stepped dangerously close to me, enabling me to smell his signature scent. I took a breath, regaining my composure. He stared deep into my eyes with anger and frustration. It took all of my strength to not lean up and kiss him.

He looked from my eyes to my lips continuously.

"I'll see you at the game." He said through gritted teeth. I groaned and walked into my room – shutting the door.


The game had begun; the crowds were howling fiercely at the scene of the rival teams fighting their way through the game. The Gryffindor's had been shouting Weasley continuously, as their best player rode on her broom with all her might. Draco, on the other hand, had been distracted all game. He had been focused on the argument he had with the Brunette hours before. He searched the crowd for her, yet, no sign of her. He grunted in frustration, deciding it was time to take his anger out on the game.

Hermione sat in the quiet library, reading her uttermost favorite book. Although, her thoughts were clouded by the conversation she and Draco had. She began reading again, but she couldn't help but read the same line repeatedly, it was by no doubt that she was distracted. A rumbling noise came from the door as it shot open, she grabbed her wand for assistance in case anything was to happen. Her best friend, accompanied by the Slytherin boy – Zabini. They were out of breath and seemed worried.

"What is it?" She finally managed to let out.

"It's Draco, he's been injured." Ginny gasped. Hermione's eyes widened in shock. Her books flew into her bag with a quick wave of her wand.

"Is he okay?" Hermione asked with full concern.

"He asked for you before he fell unconscious. Madam Pomfrey has him in the hospital wing." Blaise said, they all began walking out of the Library together.

"Oh, Draco. What have I done?" Hermione mumbled, staring at the pair in front of her.


Hey guys! Sorry that I took so long to post. I had writer's block, ew! Anyway, I'm currently writing the next few chapters so they should be out soon. There will be A LOT of Dramione next chapter, promise! Please tell me what you think. Drop a vote and comment!

Love, Mya xox

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